Part 24

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Everything has been going great so far Alhamdulillah

We were at the beauty parlor today for henna and and also salon because of Zainab's wedding

"When is he arriving" i asked Zainab peeling her dry henna off for her

"Tomorrow in shaa Allah" she said smiling

Her fiancé is coming back from wherever he his I don't actually know I don't know if it's shyness that is stopping her from telling me or what.

We finished later in the evening and I headed home,

Mubarak has been acting weirdly these past days I don't understand why

"Zarah" Zainab called out smiling weakly

"Lallen ki yayi kyau" she said looking at my hand

I just smiled and we continued having our conversations

"Zarah i need to talk to you please" Mubarak's message popped on my screen

I couldn't see him today because the bridal shower is tonight but I replied him either way and even invited him for Zainab's wedding,

He still insists that he wanted to talk to me so we just agreed that i will get a moment to squeeze so that we can talk

"Ko menene oho" i said as i hung up

The bridal shower went so well and it was actually fun, we played lots of games and honestly Zainabs cousins and sisters are fun to be with because we connected instantly,

Since it was ladies only we arranged the place the way we want to and we had sooo much fun that i cant remember when last i had the type of fun,

Since it was ladies only we arranged the place the way we want to and we had sooo much fun that i cant remember when last i had the type of fun,

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"Im so tired" i said tossing my heels aside and running upstairs

I didn't even know when i slept off but Asiya's phone call woke me up

"Keee ina kike" she shouted

I totally forgot that i was meant to be at Zainab's family house before 5

I hurried and took my bath and went down to get something to eat

"Sannu Mama" i said when i saw her sitting on the dining

"Mama na an sha bacci i knew you were tired thats why i didn't wake you up" she said dropping her iPad on the table

I sat down and we talked for a while as i ate before I gave her a quick peck and left.

Zainab has been complaining since before the invitation card was out that she just want walima and wedding fatiha but her family have different plans for her,

So i don't know if it's because of the dinner that she doesn't want ne or something happened I don't know but she has been shedding tears since when i got there

"Aure fa dole ne sai an daura" an elderly woman who i think is her aunt said as she dropped the masa tray and left to bring the soup,

"Zarah can we go somewhere and talk" Zainab said

I thought brides are not supposed to go out during their wedding ceremony but i had no idea so i just said okay and we wore our hijabs and headed out to my car,

"You know I don't want to get married to him koh" Zainab said holding my hands

I just asked her why and listened to her story from A to Z,

Zainab was in love with her cousin brother but she cant marry him because he's still in school and she just clicked 20,

And its their house rules that when you turn 20 you have to get married, her dad is pissed because she doesn't have anyone to marry,

So she has to marry her boyfriends elder brother who lost his wife some years back


How do i tell Zarah everything?
I know its not my fault but she has to know😔
But he was supposed to have told her everything by now because time is going.

"I'm so sorry Zarah" i said shedding tears

"Zee please stop crying everything's gonna be okay kinji?" She assured me

"Im sorry" i keep saying repeatedly

She hugged me and we stayed like that for some moments before she spoke

"Zee lets go in and start getting you ready" she said slightly pushing me

"Can't i just ditch the dinner" i said pouting

"Aa lets go" she said and we left her car


We got down from the car and i saw a car that looks like Mubarak's but i just ignore and we went in...

"There is no way Mubarak will know Zainab" I though

"Zarah!!! When can we talk please" his message popped on my screen again

"Come to the dinner early so that we can talk because right now they're making me up and i cant just leave and meet you" I replied him dropping my phone

After the makeup I checked my phone again and saw his message

"Meet me at the restaurant before the event center please"

It was 7:30 already and the event is supposed to start at 8,

So I hurried and wore my gown and did my turban before telling them i will meet them there because i have an emergency,

So i hurried and left them doing the brides make up

"See you there Zee, I might come back here but I'm not sure" i said picking my bag and digging my hands in to search for my car keys

"Bye" she said quietly

It was a 15 minutes drive to the place so i got there and immediately saw Mubarak's car,

I went closer but he wasn't in so i picked my phone and called him,

He came out looking so devilishly handsome, like a groom actually

He insisted that we go in and talk but I convinced him to just sit in my car,

He was so nervous and confused I don't know why but seeing him today made me realize how much I really missed him.

Enjoy the short chapter though its kinda boring 😘
Heyyyyyyyy readers😁😁😁
Im finally back from a very long break
Sorry for not updating for so long
i was too sad to type😌 but now I'm kind of okay😁😁😁😁😁😁

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