Part 20

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The next morning i woke up with a pounding headache so i didn't even go down to eat,

Mama brought my food up to my room and gave me my medication i ate and took it and went back to sleep.

I woke up around Asr time feeling so relieved when i went to take my bath dropping my phone on bedside drawer.

I took my bath and performed ablution then i came out of the toilet,

"Subhanallah" i said when i saw munarak sitting on my bed holding my phone

"Im not a kid anymore yaya Jabir at least knock before you enter my room" I complained picking my hijjab to wear because i was only wearing a very short towel so 99% of my nudity was exposed.

"Who is Love of your life" he asked showing me the message Mubarak sent on my phone

I quickly snatched the phone away from him

"Its not good to invade people's privacy" i snapped at him

"Answer my question" he said coming closer to me

"Zarah who the fuck is love of your life" he snapped at me pinning me to the wall

"I miss you baby please wake up??" What the hell was the meaning of what i saw

"You've started dating someone else" huh

I was so scared and speechless not because Jabir saw it but my worst fear is Jabir telling daddy about what he saw.

"Yaya Jabir i can explain" i said quietly

"Go on then," Explain he said

"Its.............. i..........i....... He's just........." i started stammering because i was actually speechless

"You have no fucking explanation Zarah" he said angrily

"Please don't tell daddy about it" i begged him

He just left my room "better get a clear explanation" he snapped and banged the door

"Ni yau na shiga" i said quietly removing my hijjab to wear proper clothes and pray.

I was so scared Jabir was going to tell daddy, I waited patiently for daddy to come and snap at me but nothing happened.

I was so hungry but if i go down i will see Jabir so I decided to sleep on an empty stomach.

I woke up in the middle of the night because of hunger so i went down to toast bread because I'm sure everyone is asleep by now.

I hurried back to my room and decided to call Mubarak since we didn't talk for the whole day.

"Hello baby" he said with his sexy sleepy voice

"Sorry I woke you up" i said to him biting my bread

"Aa its okay, whats wrong throughout today I didn't hear from you" he asked clearing his voice

"Wlhy headache ne" i told him keeping the Jabir's talk for another time.

"Ouch Sorry Sweetheart hope you're okay now" he asked

I told him i was okay now and we spoke for almost an hour then he started feeling sleepy so we exchanged I love you and he went to sleep.

I laid down thinking about my life after daddy finds out and didn't even know when i slept off.

The next morning i know i cant skip breakfast so I went down slowly and breath a sigh of relief when i saw that the table was empty,

I hurried into the kitchen and helped out with the breakfast then I arranged the table,

I went up to get daddy i was coming down when i heard Jabir's voice talking to Mama,

"I wonder why he cant stay in his own house, why won't he just move back to our house toh since he spends 22 hours of his day here" I thought before daddy's voice bring me back

"Mama tunanin mey kike yi kuma a staircase" he asked

"Bakomai daddy" i said rushing to the dining table

"Good morning" i said to yaya Jabir who was standing by the coffee maker making Coffee

He didn't even spare me a glance he just picked his coffee mug and went to the table,

We finished eating and I helped with the dishes, i was mopping the kitchen when my phone started ringing,

I checked the caller ID and it was Laila

"Yooo girl ya dai" she said

"Ke akwai matsala wlhy" i told her keeping the mop aside

"I'm on my way to pick you up yanzu" she said

"Kin manta yau ne wai" she said trying to remind me

"What" i asked because i was so exhausted that i cant even remember anything

"Baby Meema's birthday mana" she shouted

"Ohhh okay let me dress before you get here" i said rushing up to bath and dress up

I finished and wore a white leggings and a pink barbie top with a white turban,

Meema is Laila's cousins daughter she was turning 4 today so I had to dress like a kid.

I picked the gifts i got her and placed it into the disney bag i got 2 days ago.

We got there and cheered her up and helped her mum to clear the house when it was over.

"So what happened" she asked me when we were sitting by the poolside in Aunty Sharifa's house.

I told her what happened between me and Jabir,

"Na shiga 3" she exclaimed

"He didn't tell daddy?" She asked

I just turned my head indicating no

"You need to talk to him" she said and i kinda agreed with her.

"I will call him tomorrow I guess" i said to her

"Bye baby" she said when she dropped me home

I entered and saw Jabir sitting in his car, my heart started beating faster so I decided to hurry inside and pretend i didn't even see him,

I started walking faster and was about to open the front door when he called my name,

"Zarah" i heard his voice making me stop in my track

"Na'am" answered standing still

"Where are you coming from?" He asked

I told him and he kept quiet and didn't say a word so I just took it as a sign to leave.

I told him and he kept quiet and didn't say a word so I just took it as a sign to leave

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