Part 16

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I woke up to an amazing breakfast Mama made for me

"Happy birthday Mama na" she said placing the plate on my table and giving me a peck on the forehead.

I smiled and picked the plate to eat before i went down to drop it in the kitchen.

"Good morning daddy" i said when i saw him sitting in the front porch.

"Morning and happy birthday mommy" he said to me smiling

I went to warm my car and pick some textbooks i got from the school library when my phone started ringing,

I quickly picked because i have a bad habit of not checking caller id before picking up my calls

"Zarrrrr Happy birthday girl" Asiya shouted so loudly that i had to remove the phone from my ear for some seconds

"Thank you girl" i said to her as i picked the books and headed inside

We talked for a bit before she said goodbye and promising that she and Umar will come here as early as possible

"Happy birthday wifey" Jabir said hugging me from behind

"What the hell" I whispered and turned over because i was standing by the kitchen counter playing game on my phone

"What was that?" I asked him looking so pissed

"Woah woah sis I'm sorry, i was only kidding" he said raising his hand to indicate he's backing off

I just rolled my eyes and continued playing my game when he handed me a card,

"Here" he said

I collected it and opened it to see what was written

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN MY LIFE,BIG BROTHER LOVES YOU SO MUCH ❤️" was what was written on the card and honestly I felt a slight relief when i saw that word "SISTER" on the card

I gave him a quick hug and whispered a silent thank you to him and went upstairs to choose the dress i was going to wear tonight because mama dropped about 5 dresses for me to choose from.


Even before my fathers request before he passed away I've always had my eyes on Zarah, I really love her so much and not only in a brother kind of way but i see her as someone i can spend the rest of my life with,

She still doesn't het the point that I don't want to be just a brother to her, i know I've been an asshole towards her since when my father passed away because she clearly hates the "WIFEY" i always use to call her.

I taught she was okay with it when I started because because she always smiled when i call her that, I taught she also had same feelings for me but i was wrong because I came to realize that ever since the marriage proposal, she has kept her distance towards me up to the point that touching her because something forbidden,

I missed how me and her were that's why I decided to drop the "WIFEY" attitude and get my former Zarah back,

Something tells me that she might fall in love with me and even decide to marry me if we go back to how we were and that is what I vowed to do.

"Son, you know i can't force Zarah to marry you even if i want to, but i know somewhere deep down she might have some feelings for you so it is your job to make them bloom" those were my uncles words the last time i asked him about my fathers proposal

And he is actually right, I've been a big brother to Zarah ever since she came to this world, i was like her best friend so maybe now that shes grown she might realize the kind of love I have for her is more than just a brotherly love.

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