Part 3

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I was so exhausted when I got home due to the stress i went through at school and also the hunger trying to kill me.

Immediately I entered the main door , i went straight to the dinning table to see what's available, luckily for me, Mama never disappoints, I devoured the food as if I've never eaten in this life...... lol.

I went upstairs to bath and take a short nap before dinner since I've already prayed in school.

Few hours later i woke up around 8:30, i got up and prayed Maghrib  and Isha before i went down to eat dinner.

"Mama na ya school?" My mum asked
"School Alhamdulillah" i replied
It was stressful though i added
Just then my dad came in, i jumped up going to get his bag.

"Daddyyyy, i missed you" i said with my shagwaba voice😂
"Maman Maman ta, yau kuma yan shagwaban ne a kai" he said laughing
I just smiled and took his bag inside.

Yeah i was named after my late grandmother from my Mom's side, thats why you never hear anyone in the house calling my real name.

"I can never get enough of your delicious food" dad said to mum.
We all laughed
"So Mama how was school today" dad asked
We took about half an hour gisting about school, lectures, my new friend and all.

"Okay Saida safen ku" i said hugging my mum and dad
"I have to go talk to Laila and then study before i sleep" i said
"Class at 9am tomorrow" i added
Bye Mama my parents said as i was heading upstairs to my room.

I picked my MacBook to Skype Laila.
"Zeeeeeeeeeeee" she shouted
"Laleeeeee bae" i said
Well Laila is my childhood best friend, we met in nursery 2 where we became soul sisters, she's presently in turkey studying civil engineering, we planned to go to the same university but my dad said it would be better is i stay close to them here in kano because of my health condition.

But i know he just doesn't want to loose his only child, i was disappointed at first but i learned that he was only trying to protect me.

We spent almost 2 hours on Skype with Laila, she told me about her school, her roommate, some annoying people she met and a-lot more.
I also told her how my first day went, about Asiya, and also about Mr Mubarak because we hide nothing from each other.

"Okay zee good night" Laila said yawning
"Night lalee" i said
"Muah we'll talk tomorrow okay" she said
"Okay bye" i said looking at her drifting off to sleep

I spent some time reversing what we did in school today before i called it a night too.


Since after i saw that girl in class today, I've been daydreaming about her.
"But why" i asked myself

Maybe I'm not really interested in her, its just that she reminded me of Aliya a-lot especially how she talked and smiled and thats why seeing her today made all the memories of Aliya i buried deep inside me came back haunting me that i had to go home earlier than usual.
I laid down trying to get some sleep, but all the memories i had with her came flooding back making me weep.

I met her when i was doing my masters here in BUK.
We instantly bonded with each other, what people called love at first sight.

Yeah we had that pure connection

It was so strong yet fierce.
We drowned in each others ocean of love.
We hid nothing from each other, like we we're each others diary.
Its like she was the missing piece of my puzzle that i have been searching for all my life.
Even i was scared of what we had because it was too pure.
She died with our bundle of joy inside her womb.
Tears keeps streaming down my face because it was a bitter memory knowing well that death is forever and no matter what happens Aliya is never coming back, and for sure i cant move on.

I dont know when or how i managed to sleep that night but I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock reminding me i have a lecture to get to in 2 hours................

Phew 😅 a new chapter
Some  hidden secrets.......... lets see what this love story have for us
Aliya is attached to every part of our man crushes heart
What happens next??????
Well we shall find that out very soon
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