Part 18

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I didn't know what got into me but kissing Zarah right at this moment was something i will never ever regret.

"What's wrong" she asked me her voice sounding so calm yet nervous

"It was Jabir" i said to her because i cannot continue hiding things from her forever

"Jabir" she asked sounding so angry

I grabbed her hand and directed her to sit on the sofa and continue the discussion, we sat down but i still didn't let go of her hand.

"Zarah,why didn't you tell me you belonged to someone else already?" I asked her

She looked up with her swollen eyes and i was so hurt seeing her sad

"I don't understand" she said looking so clueless

And i know there is more than what Jabir told me and i have to keep calm and hear her own part of the story.

"The day i came to your house" i said and i told her all that happened between me and Jabir

Tears were just streaming down her face and I reached out and wiped them off, she took some minutes to calm down before she started talking

"Why won't he leave me alone" she said with her voice cracking

I wrapped my hands around her shoulder then i massaged her arm telling her to calm down and stop crying.

We stayed like that for almost 10 minutes and she told me all about Jabir and why he acted that way.

I couldn't help but feel a little bit of jealousy knowing that someone else want to marry my Zarah,
But i have as much chance as he does so I wasn't worried.

"I don't know but I don't want to marry Jabir, i dont want him but why doesn't he get it ne dan Allah" she said and her voice started cracking indicating that she was about to cry for the 4th time now


I was so sad, angry and happy all at the same time, I don't know why Jabir is doing this to me,
I was Nagging and was about to cry when Mubarak cupped my face with his palm and looked into my eyes,

He used his thumb to wipe the tear drops

"Smile" he said also smiling

I just looked at him and couldn't even show any emotion

"Everything's gonna be okay kinji" he assured me and i gave him a faint smile and looked down

"Look at me" he commanded and immediately my eyes looked up to meet his eyes starring deep

"I love you Zarah" he said for the second time today which indicated that my thoughts weren't deceiving me.

  I was so speechless I didn't know what to say to him, it was so sudden because all this while I taught our relationship will forever remain one sided.

"Say something" he said still looking at me as if something will happen when he stops

"I........i.....i" i stammered because the words just couldn't leave my lips I don't know why

"Take your time Zarah, Atleast Ive lifted a burden off my chest" he said smiling so cheerfully

I didn't even know when i hugged him and he hugged me back,

"Thank you" I whispered and i didn't even know when and I don't even know what I'm thanking him for

Its as if my body parts are controlling themselves today kam because most of the things were happening without my consent, he just chuckled and we stayed that way for few seconds because I decided to go home.

"See you on Monday" he said pecking my forehead

I just blushed and picked my bag and headed to my car,

Memories of what happened were just exciting me till i got home and saw Jabirs car than what he did to Mubarak came back to me but I find know how to react,

So before I decided on what to do i just chose to give him the silent treatment,

I entered and went up to my room immediately, i was hungry but I didn't want to see his fave or talk to him so I decided to lay down and watch few episodes of friends before time for maghrib.
After maghrib,I dropped my hijjab aside and i laid my head on the side of the bed still sitting on the prayer mat when my room door opened,

Then i saw mama coming in with a glass of milk on her hand, she dropped it on my table and she picked hair cream and comb then she came to the bedside and sat down raising my head and placing it on her laps,

"Mama na" she called me so quietly

"Na'am" I answered smiling

"Menene ke damun ki ne kwana 2 you've not been yourself" she said removing the ruffle from my hair and combing the hair

"I've been okay mama kema kinsan its just school stress" i said to her

"Come on,this is more than school stress mama na, kinsan ciwon 'ya mace na 'ya mace ne koh, now spill it out" she said rubbing the cream on my hair

"Zauna da kyau, I'm tired of seeing this hair as if you're going for Indian movie photo shoot" she joked

She made my hair as i told her all about what was going on with me and Mubarak well apart from the kiss😂, i told her what jabir did also.

"Mama na, kinsan halin baban ki so don't confront Jabir about this okay?" She said to me and I nodded my head

"Allah yayi miki Albarka, when will you introduce me to my inlaw?" She asked me standing up to leave

"Maaaaaa" i said pouting

"He just said he love me fa and thats it" i said getting up hug her

"Allah ya nuna mana rana sai da safe" she said leaving

I prayed isha and took my bath before slipping into my pajamas and heading to bed.


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