Part 11

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"Im scared" i said to my best friend Mu'azzam

"It's growing day by day and it seems i cant handle it"
"What should i do" i asked

"Maybe its a sign for you to move on bro" Mu'azzam said

"Its been so long Mubarak, Aliya is not coming back you know it and i know she will like you to move on too" he added

"But i feel like I'm not really in love with her, its just that she reminds me of Aliya" i told him

"So you made yourself to believe that" he said sipping his soda

"Just think of of a way out" Mu'azzam said.

We sat down in my house for a very long time playing games before he decided to head home.

Through out that night, I've been rolling on bed thinking for a possible solution for this issue disturbing me then i just decided to keep my distance from Zarah,

Maybe that will help me get my mind off her,I thought as I fell asleep.


I woke up so happy on Monday morning knowing that me and Mubarak are more than lecturer/student.

Like OMG we're friends I thought

I decided to wear something different today

I went down to meet Jabir who assigned himself to me my unpaid driver but i wasn't even angry because i was in a hurry to get to school where i will find peace of mind

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I went down to meet Jabir who assigned himself to me my unpaid driver but i wasn't even angry because i was in a hurry to get to school where i will find peace of mind.

Coincidentally, we got to school same time with Asiya, she came out and hurried to my place,

"Girllllllllll, who's that heart robber you're with?" She asked

"Who? Jabir? Heart robber?" I asked looking surprised

"Its jabir" i said

I remembered complaining to her about him alot and i told her about everything that went on and everything going on about me and him so clearly she knows who he is.

"Awwnn at least he's handsome" she said

"Ehn whatever" i said dragging her to the classroom.

He came in as handsome as usual.

He finished the lectures and i was so happy because he gave us an assignment last week and as the class rep i was supposed to collect everyone's assignments and take it to his office.

"Maybe we shall chat a little before my next lecture" I thought only for his voice to interrupt my thoughts .........

"Assistant class rep please collect everyone's assignment and bring them to my office right now" he said as he dashed out of the classroom without even turning.

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