Part 15

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I got up to leave his office because honestly I can't deal with all the emotions building up in me, I really want to talk to him but how could he even do what he did without any important reason.

I was about to open the door when Mubarak's hands hold on the doorknob and he was kind of so close to me that i can't turn to even look at him.

"Let me go" i said quietly holding unto my bag

"Please Zarah just listen to me" he said and i kept quiet and just stood there contemplating weather to actually listen to him or just push him and leave.

I decided to be the better person here so i just said a silent okay and we went back to finish the discussion.

"Please Zarah hear me out i beg you, i didn't know what got into me that made to act strange towards you" he said looking straight into my eyes,
Then he continued

"I've been going through a lot Zarah i don't know what is happening to me but please give our friendship another chance and I promise you will never regret it"

I didn't know what to say actually because his words were so pure and at the same time hurtful,

"Say something Please" he said not loosing eye contact for even a second

"It's okay" I told him looking down

"Please Zarah, give me another chance please, i miss being your after school tutor, i miss you helping me around as a class rep i miss you" he said getting up to come and sit on the table so that he can face me directly,

"It's okay Mr Mubarak, i think it will work out just fine" i said to him

"Please Zarah look at me" he pleaded

I was so shy right now and i have no idea why, i looked at him and he smiled, not like his normal sweet smile he usually does, this one is different because of a sharp spark i saw in his eyes.

"No more formalities okay?" He begged

"Okay Mubarak" i said smiling too

"Thank you Zarah" he said

"Lectures will soon start Let me get going" i said to him hurrying to get to class before the lecturer enters.

"Zarah" he called me again

I turned and he handed me a bar of chocolate

"Here" he said

"Thank you" i smiled and left his office

My happiness hormones were just rushing because of how happy and relieved i am because me and Mubarak sort everything out.

After lectures i told Asiya all that happened between me and Mubarak today

"Awwnnn he's also in love" Asiya said dramatically

I rolled my eyes and hit her lightly on the shoulder

"Please let me go and rest" i said to her opening my car and giving her the bye hand signal

She winked and entered her own car.

I was so happy that when i got home to the extent that mama noticed and asked me what was amusing me i just smiled and told her it was nothing.

I don't hide things from her but this was something that have to wait till another time.
I was studying on the reading table in my room then I decided to take a break and chat Laleee up and tell her what happened,

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