Part 9

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For some days now i have been noticing Zarah and she hasn't been herself.
When she came to my office on Wednesday i took that opportunity to ask her what was wrong but she said she was sick,
That didn't add up because immediately she said it i noticed that whatever was was wrong she didn't want to discuss it with me,
"Maybe it's personal" i said as i picked my laptop to go for my last lecture of the day.


"Good day y'all" His voice woke me up from my little nap
He looked so Masha Allah today, besides he always does
But today was Friday so he looked so Alhamdulillah😂,
My feelings for him is always increasing day by day, most of the time he's here standing right in front of me i never concentrate,
The daydreams i always have about him is increasing day by day,
Sometimes it makes me happy, but most of the time it made me sad knowing that i am chasing something i will never have,
Maybe i am alone in this game and he never notice me as anything else apart from his second best student and his class rep.
"Atleast i get to see him every week" i condole myself

"I dont even know what to wear to that dinner" Asiya complained
"Me too wlh" I replied her
Our departmental dinner is coming up this Saturday, actually i didn't want to go at first but anything that will keep me away from Jabir, i shall hug it tightly.
"Don't worry, we shall figure something out" she said
"Why wont you come over and help me select what to wear?" Asiya asked
"Sure, let me call home and tell them you're bringing me back today" i told her

After almost an hour failed attempts, nagging and complains we finally found something she could wear to the dinner
"Finally" i said, at least I also have something similar
"Ko aure zakiyi ma sai haka" i joked

After almost an hour failed attempts, nagging and complains we finally found something she could wear to the dinner"Finally" i said, at least I also have something similar "Ko aure zakiyi ma sai haka" i joked

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"Hiii mama I'm home" i shouted as i opened the front door.
It was after Maghrib so i taught she was in the kitchen almost done with dinner.
"Where have you been" I heard Jabir's voice from my back which scared me because i didn't know he was in my house.
"Oh God Yaya Jabir" i said angrily
"You scared my skin out of my body, i was at Asiya's place" i added
"Asiya hmmmmmm, i see" he said
"What" i asked
"Nothing, but as your husband to be, i don't expect you to come home late without telling me you went somewhere after school" he said
I knew he was joking but it felt so weird,
I was so shocked or was it angry I don't know, several emotions built up inside me that i didn't even know when i whispered "you wish" and stomped upstairs locking my room because i know he can just barge in since he has no respect for me.

Thank God i ate in Asiya's place so i wasn't hungry.
So i didn't even go down to eat because I didn't want him to piss me off.
In the morning i went downstairs to eat breakfast when i saw him sitting with my parents in the dining table.
"Wai wannan shi baya da gida ne?" I thought
I greeted everyone and then sat down after serving myself.
"So what time is the dinner?" Mama asked
"Its at 7" I answered
"What dinner?" Jabir asked
"They're having a departmental dinner today at school" daddy answered
I just looked at them and continued eating my food.
"I will take you to the dinner" i heard Jabir saying
"No thank you, Bala is taking me" i told him not even bothering to look at him
"No let him take you besides bala is leaving at 8 today so Jabir can take you and bring you back" daddy said
I felt like ice water was splashed on me i just swallowed the food plus the tears that was about to drop off my face.
"Okay" i said as i got up and went upstairs.

I never had a problem being so close to Yaya jabir,
He was like a brother i never had and that is the position i want him to remain forever and i taught i was just a sister to him too but now i have no doubt that he have no problem getting married to me.

I prayed maghrib and decided to dress up since its already 7 at least no matter the African time i can still make it before 7:30 I taught.
I applied a little bit of makeup with Asiya's warning ringing in my ears "dont come pale" I smiled and took out my gown,
"Isn't this too serious" I taught looking at the gown
"Well its a formal gathering so no problem" I assured myself.

I applied a little bit of makeup with Asiya's warning ringing in my ears "dont come pale" I smiled and took out my gown,"Isn't this too serious" I taught looking at the gown"Well its a formal gathering so no problem" I assured myself

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I went downstairs ready to go but Jabir was nowhere to be found and i was running late.
"Mama ina Yaya Jabir?" I asked my mum who was busy watching an Indian movie in the parlor
"Kaman yana waje ai yana jiran ki" she answered not bothering to even look up
"Okay sai na dawo" i said rushing to the front door

"Hmmmmm ZeeZee do you want to intoxicate me" he said
I just rolled my eyes and entered the car, he tried to come up with less awkward conversations and i was so happy about that. We were just talking about those normal lives we had together and how much fun we used to have before his dad passed away.
"I missed you Zee" he said sadly
I just smiled and got off the car
"Picking you at 10 koh" he asked
"Yes" i said as he drove off
I pulled my phone to call Asiya to come out because i can't go in alone and her phone is not even going through.
Just then a Nice looking car parked and someone came out of it.

Who could it be????😱😱😱😱
Lets see what happens in the next chapter lovelies
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