Part 29

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"I'm so sorry Zarah,thats just what i have to say to you i know that you are deeply hurt baby but Wallahi I couldn't find the courage to do that, I don't like hurting you but i did,
Zarah, i swear to God you are the only one i want and you're the one i want to spend my entire life with, everything is okay now Zarah please I promise not to ever do something like this to you ever again Zarah, no more secrets between us"

"Mubarak what you did to me was something I never expected from you, at least if you had told me earlier it wouldn't hurt so much but you didn't, you waited for me to find out Mubarak,
Finding out on the wedding day, how do you think that made me feel, that was my first heartbreak Mubarak,
Did you know after that day i spent 2 days in the hospital?
You have no idea"

"Baby i admit all my mistakes Wallahi but please give me a second chance Zarah, I want to show you that you are the most important person in my life now and i never and will never regret any moment I've spent and will spend with you"

"I don't know Mubarak"

"Please Zarah ba dan hali na ba"


"Okay Mubarak I've forgiven you but i think the best thing for us now is to give each other some space,
I've gone through enough, its not that I don't love you wallahi i do,
But for now i think this is the best thing for both of us,
And If the love is true the feelings will drag us back to each other, but i have to let you go for now Mubarak"

Present day


How time flies, it has been a year now since i let go of Mubarak, a year of rebuilding myself,a year I dedicated to my dream career, to family and to friends, and Alhamdulillah the long awaited day is finally here

"Dr Zarah Muhammad" the MC called and i got up and walked down the altar and then to the stage to collect my certificate,

"Thank you" i said smiling to the camera as i shake the VC

The crowd were cheering and I looked at the side where my family were sitting and waved with a heavy smile plastered on my face.

It was an amazing day and tons of pictures were taken that i got tired of seeing flash lights

"Our own doctor" daddy said hugging me

I hugged him back cleaning a little tear that was about to ruin my mascara

It was the best day of my life, after years of Pure torture lol

It was the best day of my life, after years of Pure torture lol

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