Part 4

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Well, school has been going very great for me.
I and Asiya became very close within 2 weeks. Wow
And lectures are awesome too, stressful though but Amazing.
I have Mr Mubarak's classes only 3 times a week, so i dont get to see him everyday .

Asiya has been a great friend actually, and weirdly she noticed i had a crush on Mr Mubarak.... did i just say crush???😅
Well yeah technically, i always day dream about him,i keep staring at him during lectures so i made it too obvious that my heart is doing some jingles for him.😂

"Ahhh this is a bad day for putting on some foundation" Asiya nagged
Well I've gotten to know a lot about her especially the fact that shes a slay queen/instagram model😂
But to be sincere she has an amazing soul, and some funny characters she's actually fun to be with.
"Thats what you get for not knowing how to match your makeup with the weather" i said jokingly

"Ughh girl,just borrow me your face lets take some selfies" she said
How much will you...... before I finished my sentence she dragged me "now smile" she said
"I chose a very good company" i said between gritted teeth.
"You're impossible Zarah" she said
Just take the phone and gimme some nice shots
"Gladly" i said collecting the phone from her
We spent about 10 minutes trying to get the perfect shot for the gram
"The struggle is real" i told her
"Yeah yeah, lecture starts in 10 minutes" she reminded me
We hurried to the venue

"You're impossible Zarah" she said Just take the phone and gimme some nice shots"Gladly" i said collecting the phone from herWe spent about 10 minutes trying to get the perfect shot for the gram"The struggle is real" i told her "Yeah yeah, lecture...

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At least I'm a good photographer ⬆️⬆️⬆️

We got to class 4 minutes before he arrived
He looked so stunning in his casual wear.
He spent about 2hours giving us lectures about blood and its contents.
"Okay that will be all for today" he said
"But before you leave, I would like for us to have a short test on Friday" he added
I heard several gasps and some whispers from the students because everyone was scared, it will be our first test in med school and we don't know what to expect.

He just reassured us that it wont be something hard, just some few questions because he wants to know if we're understanding all he's been teaching for the past 1 month.

"I would like to pick a class representative for my course" he said as his eyes searched the classroom as-if he was looking for a particular person.

"Zarah" i heard my name and i froze that instant
"Holy moly, my inner voice said...... you're screwed"
I was actually speechless and before i could say a word i heard him speak again..... "you will be my class representative starting from today, you will collect all my assignments and bring them to my office, my attendance book will be with you which i shall collect by the end of semester in shaa Allah, and also if i have any thing to tell other class members, you will help me communicate" he said
"I hope its not so much for you?" He asked
"Not at all sir" i said nervously
"Okay then have a nice day y'all i heard him say before heading out.

"Lucky you girlll" Asiya said shaking my shoulder as we were going out of the lecture hall
"Yeahh yeahh" i said emotionless
What if i screw this up? I asked myself.....
"Dont worry everything's gonna be okay" Asiya reassured me
"I hope so" i said sadly
"See you tomorrow" she said rushing into her car and driving away.
I entered our car and bala drove away too

Thursday wasn't that bad, school was going smoothly for some time then I started feeling dizzy
"Are you okay" Asiya asked looking at me
"I think so" I answered
But really it's as if i was falling sick
I just struggled to finish the day but immediately i got home everything became disorganized to me
I just took my pills and slept without even eating
Maybe my mum came up to check up on me but i have no idea.

I woke up with a pounding migraine headache
OMG i taught, i have a test for goodness sake this cant happen 🥺 not today........
I tried to get up so i can at least go for the test but all I could remember was me getting up then everything went blank............

"Mama na" i heard my mum's voice
"Naam" I replied quietly
"Shhhhhh, dont talk kinji, tashi kici abinci ki sha magani" my mum said
I wasn't feeling like putting anything in my mouth but i know my momma so i just ate a little rice and took my pills
"I have to call Asiya" i told her
"Ive already told her you cant make it to school today so please lay don't and sleep, i know how you've been stressing yourself thats why you're sick now" she warned
"Rest please kinji Mama na?"
"Okay" I answered
"Yauwa yar albarka" My mum said before leaving the room.
Immediately I dozed off.


The test was about to start and i couldn't find Zarah anywhere
"Is everyone around?" I asked generalizing the question because i dont want to specify on who i was asking for.
Just then her friend came in
"Good morning sir, sorry I'm late" she said

"Its okay, have a seat" i told her

"Umm sir, Zarah's Mum called this morning that Zarah cannot make it to the test today because shes sick" she said

It felt like i was been poured a 100 buckets of ice water, what is wrong with her? I hope it's nothing serious? I asked myself ?.
"Its okay she shall have a makeup test when she gets better"i said
The test was for 1 hour so after the test i called Asiya,
"What happened to zarah?" I asked
"I don't really know sir" she said
"But i shall check up on her after lectures later" she added
"Okay then, let me know if shes okay please" i told her before packing the scripts and heading to my office.

Why was i so worried about her? I asked myself
No it cant be.... I taught
And with that i went back to my work

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I love you guys so much

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