Part 7

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A typical Saturday morning, the smell of Mama's pancakes kinda woke me from sleep.

I went downstairs to greet her and luckily daddy is home today, actually i missed hanging out with him so much.
Neither one of us have time to hang out now but at least maybe today will be different 😁😁

"Daddy i missed you" i said when we were done eating
"Why don't we go have a father daughter moment today?" He asked
"Yayyyy yesss lemme go dress up" i said as I hurried upstairs hearing Mama's voice saying what about her jokingly 😂😂.

Father daughter moment was going great, we went for shopping, ice cream feast and other fun activities dai until daddy decided to mention about Jabir coming back from his Masters.
My worst nightmare is ever seeing jabir again but by the look of it the 100% love daddy have for Jabir is still intact because he takes him as his own son.

Jabir is my uncles son and before my uncle died, his last wish was for my father to marry me off to jabir when were both ready, but my dad didn't actually promise that but he wants to get me and jabir so close that we fall in love and marry out of love because he's not a fan of arranged marriages.

And even before jabir's father asked for that favor, I've noticed Jabir giving me some love vibes since when I entered ss1 but i just ignored it and pretended as if I didn't understand anything.

Growing up, Jabir was like an elder brother to me because of how close both our parents are, that is why up till today I still call him "Yaya Jabir" because that was how we grew up and never for once have i ever taught of crossing that brother sister relationship to anything else.

But Jabir still thinks that I'm in love with him but I'm shy to admit it that is why any slight chance he gets he uses it to make his move.

"We shall get married when you start your clinical practice" those were the last words jabir told me when we took him to the airport and those words still haunts me like bad nightmares,was he serious? Or was he just pulling my legs? I still don't know but now I'm really scared about him coming back.

Well! Lets see how everything goes

"Thank you daddy" i said hugging my dad as I packed the stuffs he got me and took it to my room but I still couldn't get over the fact that jabir is coming back.
I decided to call the only person who will make me feel better "Laila".
We spoke for almost an hour before saying our goodbyes and hanging up.

I know I'm a daddy's girl because I'm his only child and also because i choose to study medicine without anyone forcing me to, thats why he tries his best to give me everything i want but when it comes to Jabir, i think he multiplies the love he has for me and gives double of it to Jabir.

My dad and uncle owns the company but after my uncles death my dad has been managing it and since the right heir is back, he will start working with daddy again.

Well what a complicated life i taught,
Please Ya Allah, Make this easy for me i prayed before drifting off to sleep.

Late update 🙏🙏🙏🙏
What do you think of the new character 😁😁
😘😘😘😘 ily so much guys ♾

Late update 🙏🙏🙏🙏What do you think of the new character 😁😁😘😘😘😘 ily so much guys ♾

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