Part 12

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The next morning, I decided to spend time with my family maybe it will take my mind off what happened.

So i went downstairs and saw my mum already making breakfast, I sneaked and hugged her from behind.

"Maaaaaaa" i said

"Yar albarka, yau kuma da shagwaba aka tashi" she said smiling

I just smiled and helped her with the stuffs she was doing, we finished making breakfast which was fried potatoes and plantain with chicken sauce.

I finished setting the dining table and went upstairs to tell daddy breakfast was ready, "Daddy " i called out opening his door but he wasn't in,

Just then i heard laughter coming from the parlor upstairs so i decided to go in and check who was amusing him this early morning.

"I taught so" i said when i saw it was Jabir that was all making him all hyper.

"Daddyyyyyy" i said hugging him, "Good morning" i added

"Mummyyy, im fine" he said laughing briefly

I just smiled and waved Jabir "Yaya Jabir ina kwana" i said to him without even waiting for his reply i turned to daddy and told him breakfast was ready.

We were busy eating and having some small talks then I decided to talk to him about my request one more time,

"So daddy, have you finished thinking?" I asked him

"I dont know Maa, I just feel it's dangerous" he said

"Whats dangerous?" Jabir asked

"She wants to start driving herself  but he dad thinks shes still not ready"mama told him

"I can help" he said

"How?" I asked biting on my plantain and giving him the "whatttttt" look

"We can start by you driving yourself to school with me in the car and when its time to pick you up i will come with the car and you can drive us home" he said

"How is that help?" i asked again rolling my eyes

"Okayy, by doing this i can test to see if you're good to go by yourself , then you can be on your own" he said looking at me

"But I've already taken driving lessons for months now" i said before daddy interrupted.......

"Good idea Jabir" he said

Like whatttt, I've been pleading with this man to let me start driving since when I turned 18 which is getting to two years now and he refused , but this dude just spoke to him now and he agreed.
"Wow" I thought

"Okay deal" i said

We continued eating quietly, when we finished i helped out with the dishes because our maid use to take a break on Sunday.

"Mama we're going to grannies house later kinji" mum said

"Yayyyyyy" I shouted

It has been long I visited my grandmother and i missed her so much, due to school and all I haven't actually gotten the time to even go to the family house.

Around 4pm we got to the family house,

"Kawalliya" I shouted while entering her room

Me and my grandma are like best friends because i am her only female granddaughter.

"Likita yau kece a gidan" she said

"I missed you sooo sooo sooo much" i said hugging her.

We stayed for so long in the house gisting with everyone about a-lot of things because it has been long i saw them until mama decided to spoil the fun by making us go home now.

"Cant we stay till 10 please?" I pouted

"No, kema kinsan i hate driving when its too late" she said.

We got home before 10 so I decided to call Laila and talk for a bit.

We talked for about an hour and half and she actually made me feel better about Mubarak and other things going on.

Monday came so fast and Jabir is officially my driving instructor 🙄, i drove us from home to school and it wasn't that bad and i am also glad that Jabir stopped being an asshole for some time now,
Maybe he is planning something but who cares, things are going on so well for me.

"Zarah don't worry about him please you have the most purest soul" Asiya said when Mubarak finished his lectures and left the class

"I dont know what is wrong with him but i know two can play the game" i said to Asiya as we were heading out of the class.

We finished the next lecture which was Anatomy early so we have at least 3 hours before the last class,

Asiya went for lunch with umar out of campus, i can see those two are making a good progress even though he hasn't asked her out yet, it was already obvious for everyone,that's why I decided not to be the third wheel and just stay back when the offered

At least i get time to do some stuffs.

I got an empty class to sit so I decided to study for 2 hours before prayer time,
After an hour and a half of studying Anatomy it got boring so I decided to use my phone before i go for prayers.

Thoughts about Mubarak were just consuming me,
Not the fact that he suddenly stopped talking to me
But the actual reason why he stopped talking to me

"Am i not good enough?" I asked myself
But I've never experienced anything like hatred in my whole life because for all the years Ive lived in this world I've always been treated like that little fragile egg that any wrong thing done to her will just hurt her forever, i got all the things I wanted, when i wanted  and how I wanted but i didn't turn out to be that spoilt little brat and i am so happy about that.

I don't remember doing anything to him and i am so certain about that, but i guess thats just how life is,

Scary and complicated,

Sometimes you dont just get what you want,

Maybe you have to try harder and harder,

And the harder you try, the stronger it becomes,

So you just have to leave it to God.

"Patience is the key" i told myself as i got up to go and pray before heading to my last class

After school Jabir came and i drove us home and honestly it was great because he was even surprised that i know how to drive and still wait for someone to keep doing that for me,

"You drive so perfectly Mama" he said smiling

"I know, and whats with the change of nickname?" I asked him

"I just like how it sounds" he said looking at me weirdly

"What is it" i asked him raising my eyebrows

"I missed us" he replied looking down at my hand

"You stopped being the big brother I know while growing up" I replied sadly

"Then give me the chance to be your big caring brother okay Zee?" He said looking so sad

And honestly i missed the old Jabir i used to know when i was growing up and i with he could go back to being who he was before this marriage favor thing.

"Okay Yaya Jabir, thank you" i said hugging him

He just smiled and we entered inside the house.

Here we go

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