Part 13

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Not talking to Zarah anymore was the greatest punishment I had ever given myself,

It hurts so much seeing her everyday and not even saying hi

But thank God exams are around the corner so during the break I won't have to see her for 4 weeks,
Maybe that will help.


With exams coming up next week everything is just disorganized for me, i read for like 20 hours a day out of 24,

And even with the way lecturers are threatening to repeat anyone who fails up to 3 courses is enough to make every student scared.

Lectures were over since last week because of the exams, and Asiya was meant to come over my house the weekend before the exams.

"So mummy guess what?" My dad asked whan we were having dinner on Friday night

"What?" I asked looking so surprised

He then dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out a car key and handed it over to me,

I looked at him clueless waiting for him to tell me what this is about.

"Its yours, you earned it" he said

I didn't know the time I shouted "Finally" and got up from my chair to give him the tightest hug ever,

"Thank you so so so so much daddy" i said peaking his cheeks

"You're welcome sweetheart, just be careful okay?" He said

I hugged him one more time assuring him not to worry.

I looked at Jabir and whispered a little thank you before turning to finish my food and call Laila to tell her the good news.

I looked at Jabir and whispered a little thank you before turning to finish my food and call Laila to tell her the good news

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The car was so amazing and i feel more like a university student now.

Asiya came over on Saturday and we've been studying as if our life's depends on it, but it did in some kind of way.

Written exams week went on so fast and our studying paid off because all the papers were so easy Alhamdulillah,

I was more scared to the vivas coming up next week, not because i didn't read and also not because I don't like speaking in front of people but because after a long time Munarak is going to talk to me,

Nothing personal about the talk but we got to have a conversation if I want to get high marks,
I didn't want to even speak a word to him because i was really angry at him for changing.

I was mad at him for replacing me as his class rep,i was mad that he stopped the little lesson he usually gives me after classes, i was mad at him for saying what we had was professional and i am just his student.

But the thing pissing me off is how he suddenly stopped talking to me without me knowing the reason why.

I am not weak and i shall enter that viva confidently and come out confidently, he wants professionalism i will give him professionalism.

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