Part 27

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I opened my eyes and the room was so bright indicating that it was morning already,

I checked the time and it was past 12,

What happened last night came back crashing and i just laid down with my head buried into the pillow because it was too heavy for me to get up and even walk,

The migraine headache was too much worse than the normal ones i use to have,

Thoughts were just coming to me

I know that Zainab is not interested in this wedding, but why didn't she even tell me

I know its too heavy for anyone to spill it out but I wish i knew everything before the wedding time

I don't even want to think about Mubarak but no matter how hard i try i just cant,

Why did he do that to me

For goodness sake we met that day why did he keep quiet about it,

What have i ever done in this life to deserve this type of heartbreak

How did jabir find out about it?

He taught i knew all this while?

I was just thinking about these random stuffs when the room door opened,

I couldn't even raise my head to look up and see who it was

"Zee are you up?" Asiya asked and i felt more weight on the bed indicating that she just sat down

"Zee" she called again slightly patting me

"Na'am" I answered shaking

I turned over to face her but I couldn't open my eyes

"Oh ya Allah Zarah you look so pathetic" she said touching my forehead and neck to feel my temperature

"You're boiling Zarah we have to go to the hospital" she said I couldn't even argue about it because i was laying there helpless

She helped me up and wore a hijab for me then we went down to her car,

We arrived the hospital and they had to admit me,

"I need to call mama" she said removing her phone from her bag

It was a good idea but I pleaded with her not to tell mama why i cried till i got migraine please

After informing mama that i was in the hospital she dropped the phone and sat down by the bedside starring at me helplessly,

Just then her phone started ringing


"Aa Zarah was too stressed before the wedding I guess thats why her migraine came worse than ever "

"No, i cant I'm sorry i have to stay with her at the hospital"

"WHAT?" Zainab said getting up looking so surprised

"Inalillahi Rabi'a how comes?"

"Oh ya Salam, ina zuwa I'll call you back oh ni Asiya"

I was just starring at Asiya wondering what was happening and also feeling dizzy because of the sleeping shots they gave me

"Whats wrong" I managed to ask quietly

"Rabi'a ce, wai Zainab is gone" she said placing her hand on her forehead

"Ban gane gone ba, to where?" I asked

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