Part 6

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It was Saturday morning and me and mum were cooking lunch in the kitchen
"Don't forget Aneesah's wedding dinner kinji mama na" she said for the billionth time today
She has been telling me about that dinner since last month because she knows how i am with crowd and all.
"I know Mama, zan je" i told her smiling.
Aneesah is her friends daughter and she will be her "uwar daki" so shes taking the wedding way too serious.

After the lunch I decided to take a nap before its time to go.
I was about to lay down when the door to my room opened
"Yauwa try the clothes on" my mum said handing me a bag and leaving
Well! This can wait i said as i went to my sleep.

"Mama na" my mums voice said waking me up from sleep
"Get ready please yanzu zamu tafi" she said
I replied with a quick ok as i took my bath and prayed.
I wore the anko even though I didn't want to but well anything for my Mama.

I decided to just put some powder and mascara with a little lipstick let it not look like I'm forced to attend

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I decided to just put some powder and mascara with a little lipstick let it not look like I'm forced to attend.
I took my handbag and went downstairs to meet my Mama already waiting for me.
"Yauwa 'Yar Albarka" she said smiling
We reached the wedding venue
"Wow" i told myself
This place is amazing.
"Let me get you a place to sit Mama" my mum said holding my hands and dragging me inside.
She knows i cant go to sit with her and her group of friends, its kinda weird.
She got me a place to sit before squeezing my shoulder telling me bye as she went to meet her squad.

She got me a place to sit before squeezing my shoulder telling me bye as she went to meet her squad

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I removed my phone and started chatting with Asiya and Laila well and some other people online.
I felt someone sitting down on the chair close to me but i didn't even look up because heyy its a wedding venue and you'll see alot of strangers. Sooo...
"Zarah!" i heard a males voice calling


"Weddings" i nagged as i was dressing up.
It was one of my best friends wedding but to be honest i didn't want to attend, if i had told them I definitely know that they will agree with me not coming but it just feels so wrong not be there when needed.
Just then i heard my phone ringing for almost the 10th time this night.
"Hello" i said
"Hello Mubarak where the hell are you" Awwal my friend said from the other side
"I'm coming now wlhy" i said as I carried my car keys and dashed out.

I reached there and saw them outside waiting for the couple to arrive.
"Ni I'm going inside fa before they even arrive" I complained
"What do you mean? Abubakar asked
"You know please reason with me" i pleaded
After series of begging and apologizing they reasoned with me and allowed me to head in.

I got a half empty table and I decided to sit there just then I noticed a familiar face.
"Zarah?" I called


I raised my head and saw his gorgeous eyes starring at me.
He looked so Amazing on his kaftan, and omg his scent is driving me crazy.... He looked so Masha Allah tonight.
"Good evening sir" i said politely
"Evening" he replied
"And please call me Mubarak this "sir" word makes me feel old" he said smiling
"Awwnn look who's nice today" my inner voice said
I just looked at him and smiled
"Aneesah or Umar?" He asked
"Bride or groom" He said chuckling
"Ohhh bride" i said
"Aww im here for the groom" "he's my best friend" he said
"Ummm Mr Mubarak Outside BUK is a talkative" i said in my mind
Well meeting him there was so fun even though I didn't know anything personal about him, tonight we connected.

I guess we have several things in common because even the food we ate was thesame, we took thesame drinks and we got along quite well
"Are you here alone?" He asked
"No, actually I'm with my mum" i told him pointing at her direction
"Wow" he said
Teasing me that I'm a mummy's girl
We laughed together and watched people dancing and rejoicing.

I was so exhausted and the loud music in the place was already making my head turn.
"Let me take a fresh air outside" I told him
"Can i come too?" He asked
"Sure" i said slightly shouting because of the music

We got a place to sit outside and the air was so nice and calming,
It wasn't entirely quiet because the music can still be heard but at least its not as bad as inside
"I hate crowd" he said
"Same here" i added
"But i love weddings but only if I'm close to half of the people there" i added
We sat there and talked for a while and sincerely he was a cool person and something in me wants to know him deeper.

About 30 minutes later we headed back inside for him to say bye to his friends because he was tired and wants to sleep and for me to get my mum and do my trick so that we can go home because i was really exhausted.

After an hour of trying to get her she finally agreed and we headed home
I didn't even know when i slept because of how tired i was.

Yayyyyy finally I got to drop another one 😁😁
😘😘😘 i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter
Comment what y'all think 😁😁

Yayyyyy finally I got to drop another one 😁😁😘😘😘 i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter Comment what y'all think 😁😁And

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