Part 28

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The smell of food woke me up the next morning,

"Ina kwana mama" i said before opening my eyes

"Baby" i heard daddy's voice and I quickly opened my eyes

"How are you feeling" he asked looking so worried

I just smiled and got up to go and brush my teeth

"I'm okay daddy, how was the journey" I asked

"Alhamdulillah baby but I couldn't stay any longer when your mum told me that you were at the hospital" he said giving me a quick hug

"Thank God you're okay" he said patting my shoulder

I brushed my teeth and came out to eat

Mama made yam balls and custard for me, i was super hungry because I haven't eaten anything serious in days

"Ina Asiya" i asked because I looked around and she wasn't there

"They went to get water" mama answered handing me the plate full of food

"They?" I asked

"Eh she and jabir" mama said dropping the cup of custard on the table by my bed side

I just made an owww expression and started eating while having my conversation with daddy,

"We need to go on a family trip one of these days" daddy said and i nodded

"We can after my graduation" i said smiling

"Oh my mama will graduate soon" mama said shoving a spoonful of custard in her mouth

We continued our conversations because jabir and Asiya walked into the room

"Hey Baby ya jiki" Jabir said sitting down close to me

I just smiled and said a quick "lafiya"

I didn't even know it was time until the doctor came in some minutes after

"Zarah you're good to go" he said handing daddy prescriptions of drugs i need to be taking

Asiya and mama packed and we went left

"I'll see you later okay?" Asiya said as she enters her car

I just nodded and entered Mama's car

Jabir and daddy came together so they left together

When we got home Mama made a warm water bath for me,

I took my bath and came out i was about to start rubbing cream when my phone started ringing

It was a FaceTime from Laila

I hurried and picked then i kept it where she can see me and i sat on the stool by the mirror rubbing my cream

"Zahra'u Muhammad you better have a nice explanation for leaving me hanging for over a week" she shouted

"Chill babe i just got home from the hospital I taught Mama told you" i said smiling

"Who was sick?" She asked raising her eyebrows

"Me" i said moisturizing my face

"Oh my poor baby what happened" she asked lowering her voice

"Ke dai a very long stoy" i said picking my phone and laying on the bed narrated everything to her from A to Z

"Subhanallahi Zarah this is serious" she said

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