Part 30

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I hurried to the car because I didn't want to miss a moment from whatever is going on inside,

I was walking when something happened

"Zarah" a very familiar voice called, my heart skipped a little because it recognized the one that used to make it happy,

I paused for a bit before I turned

"Ya salam" my heart said smiling

"Did he drink a cup full of handsomeness for one whole year" my mind said

I actually couldn't help but smile but I didn't make it so obvious that i was excited to see him


Even though i left Buk few months to join my fathers company,

An invitation card for graduation and dinner was given to me but I couldn't go to the graduation because of a business meeting so i had to go to the dinner,

I really wanted to see her again after going a whole year without even hearing her voice,

I got there kind of late, i was rushing to lock my car and enter when i saw someone familiar walking out of the hall,

"Zarah" i said quietly

She changed a little,

I smiled a bit when I remembered how she always goes outside during events because she hates loud music,

That was how we connected the first time we met outside school,

She looks so amazing and I couldn't help falling in love all over again when i saw her,

I felt like running to hug her and tell her all the words I've been longing to say for a very long time but didn't have the opportunity to

Even though outside was kind of dark she was really glowing, i was so speechless because I didn't know how to approach her

Will she even reply me when i talk to her?

Maybe she still doesn't want to see me,

I just ignored my thoughts and gathered the courage to talk to her

"Zarah" i called and she stopped right in her tracks

Omg Mubarak what have you done,

She clearly doesn't want to speak to you

It took her some seconds before she answered

"Na'am" and then turned and looked at me

She showed a surprised emotion and then she smiled at me,

She looked like an angel when she smiles, her tiny dimples will show then her perfect white little teeth will make you want to just touch her face.

I didn't even know what to say to her,

Or what to do exactly,

She kept staring at me and I couldn't help but smile

"Congratulations" I stuttered

"Thank you sir" she said still smiling

"How have you been" i asked trying my best to sound formal

"Lafiya" she answered and opened her car door and closed it back immediately

"The event have started i just came out to grab my phone, you coming?" She asked as she started walking back

"Yeah.....yea" i said following her tracks but who am I kidding


To be honest if I wasn't happy after seeing Mubarak then I'm telling a very big lie,

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