Part 21

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"An kawo kayan na gani ina so" Zainab said blushing

"Yayyyyy" i said hugging her

"Congratulations baby" i said smiling

"Thank you" she said as we entered my car and continued the gist.

I sense something strange with Zainab because all this while I've never been to her house i only drop her off at the junction of the house and I don't know anything deep or personal about her our friendship and conversations are always shallow,

When when i complain to her about my relationship or family the answer is always "Allah zai kawo saukin koma menene" and thats it,

The other day I insisted on taking her to the gate at least but she said no that I won't understand but with time she will get the courage to tell me whatever it is.

I didn't want to pressurize her to tell me what she doesn't want to so i just keep it low and roll with it however she wants to.

I just go with the idea that she's maltreated thats why she does all this😂😁😁😂

I dropped her and headed home too,

Daddy was away on a business trip which happens frequently nowadays, he goes to some alone and some he goes with Jabir,

Its been months already and Jabir is still doing the formalities with me,

Which is a good thing to me of course but I always feel like he will just meet daddy one day and tell him "Zarah is dating" but since he has no proof I'm less worried.

I finished taking my bath and prayed then went down to keep Gist with mama since daddy is not around,

I ended up making indomie for us and we watched an Indian movie before we decided to call it a night,

Before I slept i called Mubarak and we talked for a while which is now a daily routine, i was so sleepy so i said bye to him and drifted off.


I haven't been entirely honest with Zarah and its eating me up,

"Is it necessary" i asked my dad

"If it wasn't will i be so serious about it?" He answered

"I taught i have a say in whatever this is" i said standing up

"Baba I don't want to" i said to him quietly

"Mubarak there's nothing i can do right now" he replied

"I have things to do now so please excuse me" he said heading to the door

"You have up to 4 months to think about it" he said as he slammed the door and left

I don't know the meaning of all these things but to be honest this wasn't even in my plan.

"What the hell" Awwal said sounding so surprised

"We're not in the 12th centuries please this can't just happen hear" Abubakar said taking a sip of his coke

"No one discussed it with you?" Awwal asked me

I answered with a quick "nop" and opened the fridge to get myself a drink

"There's still time to find a solution" Awwal said patting my shoulder then we sat and discussed for a little while before they decided to head home.


"I missed you baby ina kike" Mubarak said through the phone

"Ina Aminu kano wlhy" i replied him smiling

"I miss you more" i told him and i can feel him smiling too

"Can we meet up?" He asked

"Yeah why not" i said happily

Since he cant visit my house and its not proper for me to go to his house either we decided to meet in school.

Knock knock
"Come in" i heard his voice saying

I rushed inside giving him a hug then I paused to look into his eyes

"I missed you so much" i said giving him a quick kiss on the lips

"I missed you so much too dearest" he said returning the favor

"You look so stressed sweetheart is everything okay?" I asked starring into his eyes

I really had to ask because he looked like he's not getting enough sleep

"I'm okay baby" he faked a smile and I always know when his smile is fake

"So whats up with you?" He asked changing the topic

I had a lot to tell him since we dont get to see each other very often now, i told him about home, about Jabir still giving me the silent treatment and all,

"And Zainab is getting married too" said smiling so widely

His expression changed for a second he taught I didn't notice it but i did

"Ayyah" he said

"But can you imagine she didn't even introduce me to her husband to be and do you know all these while we've been friends I've never seen the color of her house?" I complained to him

"You'll see it during the wedding ai no matter what koh" he assured me and i smile and laid my head on his shoulder we talked for over an hour so I decided to head home before mama starts calling since daddy is coming back today.

"Daddy" i said hugging him

"Ya England" i asked as we went up to his room

We talked for few minutes then I left him to bath so he can come for dinner,

So strange his handbag "Jabir" was not here with him what's wrong oho but for sure I don't care..

"Mama na!!!!" My mum called from the kitchen

"Jabir baya jin dadi Please come and take this food to him" she said

"To his house?" I asked her widening my eyes

"Yhp" she said giving me the basket

I got there and entered the parlor but he wasn't there so I went up to his room to check him

"Yaya Jabir" i called as i opened the door

I found him laying on his king sized bed peacefully sleeping so I kept the food beside his bed and was about to leave when he held my hand

"Zarah" he said with his sleepy voice

"Welcome back Yaya Jabir" i said not bothering to even turn and look at him

"I have to leave" i told him trying to free my hand from his grip but he was so strong

"You just came cant you stay for just a little bit" he asked

I didn't want to argue so I decided just sit quietly.


Since the day i found out that Zarah was dating someone else,

I vowed to know who that person was but still there is no luck,

And I don't have access to her phone because she now has a password,

When i asked her not to leave she sat down and we started having some shallow conversations then her phone started ringing

"I have to pick this" she said as she hurried out

I couldn't help it so I decided to follow her and ears drop because by the looks of it she doesn't want me to know who called her,

"Sorry baby i cant have a long conversation with you Jabir is here but i will come to your office of I'm done with the hospital tomorrow" i heard her saying to the person that called

"Office???" I thought

Wtf,it just clicked,i just hope the person Zarah is dating is not that man....................

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