Part 33

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The light illuminating through the white curtains woke me up from my deep amazing sleep,

"Good morning wifey" Mubarak said laying next to me

"How long have you been starring at me?" I asked because i caught him right there looking at me immediately I opened my eyes

"I lost count" he said coming close to kiss my cheek

I smiled and turned away

"Cmon baby" he said turning me to face him

I was starting to get shy of his stares

"So how did my baby sleep" he asked and I couldn't help but smile and covered my face with my eyes

He noticed I've been shy since yesterday night and still he wouldn't stop making situations awkward

"Okay" i said and covered myself with the blanket

"Stoppp" i said between giggles

He was tickling me so hard right now that I couldn't control my embarrassing laughter

"Ouch" I exclaimed when i felt a sharp pain then I remembered

"Are you okay?" He asked and i just nodded

That was when I noticed he has already taken his bath

He got up and entered the bathroom

He looked so handsome, he was wearing a grey sweat pant and he was shirtless so his finely toned abs were revealed.

He came out shortly with a towel on his hand,

He wrapped the towel around me and before I knew it he picked me up and took me to the toilet,

He removed the towel and hanged it then he dropped me slowly into the bath tub

The water was warm and just couldn't help but close my eyes,

He got the sponge and was about to pour the shower gel when i eyed him

"I can bath my self" i said and he looked at me

"You're my baby and i will bath and dress you up for as long as i want" he said gently rubbing the sponge on my body

He finished and rinsed me before picking me up and taking me back to the bedroom

He rubbed the cream on my body,

"Let me get something to wear" i said and stood up immediately

"Are you limping" he asked because I couldn't clearly walk normal

God I'm so shy so I just turned and grabbed a matching underwear before running to wear it in the bathroom,

My legs were sore from yesterday,

I came out and decided to wear a lace gown, i wore a tiny earring and its bracelet

I packed my hair in a bun and tied the scarf around,

I just rubbed a little powder and a dash of red lipstick

"Mardiya and others are coming with the food" he said immediately he came back to the room

He hugged me from behind placing his lips on the crook of my neck

"You look amazing darling" he said and I couldn't help but blush

We went and sat in the living room watching

Few minutes later Mardiya,Jameela and Khairat brought the food over,

Mubarak served me and he didn't allow me to eat by myself,

"Um masoya" Khairat said laughing

We finished and they helped with the dishes before they decided to leave

"Why wont you guys sleep over" i asked with tears

I honestly don't even know why I'm emotional right now

"Mama ta kashe mu kenan" Jameela said picking her bag

"The other warmers are in the dining table, thats dinner" Mardiya said and i nodded sadly

"Yaya what did you do to her haka da bata so mu tafi" Khairat teased

Nothing fa , Baby are you scared of me now" he asked turning to look at me

I just shoved my head in a pillow

"Byee Amarya sai gobe" they said then i heard the door closing indicating that they're gone,

"What next" he said looking at me hungrily

"What" i asked pretending to be clueless

"You know...." he said stranding me between his legs

I turned to the other direction avoiding to look at him

He started licking my neck sending shivers all over my body

"Sweetheart" i said trying to free myself but he was too strong so i just gave up and allowed him took control of my body.............................

1 week later

"Amma baku da mutunci" I shouted when i saw Laila and Asiya at the door

"Da mutuwa ne da na mutu ma already"

"Haba Amarya" they both said

I just rolled my eyes and went to seat down

"Ahh ahh Laila Asiya kune a gidan mu yau" Mubarak said coming down the stairs

"Don't smile with them" i said and he quickly frowned

It took them hours of pleading before I finally agreed to forgive them

They stayed till evening and even helped me cook,
We finished dinner and they helped me with the dishes before they left too leaving me with the one and only Lion

"Don't swallow me" i said closing the door behind me

Before i even turned i felt his chest on my back with his hands on both sides of waist,

He gently pushed my hair sideways to expose my ears before biting it gently

"What are you doing" i pretend to ask

"What does it look like I'm doing"

I just smiled and turned to face him,

I leaned slowly aiming for his lips then i gave him a gentle bite and turned to run but i was too late

"You shall pay" he said picking me up


"45,46,47,48,49,50" I finished counting and started clapping

"Yayyyyyyyy 50" i said climbing his back

"50 pushups wow baby" i said placing butterfly kisses on his back

"Lets go and bath" he said pulling me up

"Aa go and bath" I tried to argue even though I knew it was useless

Life with Mubarak is so perfect seriously that I couldn't imagine spending my life with someone other than him,

"I love you Habibtie" he said looking down at me

"I love you too Habibi" i said placing my hands behind his head before bringing him down for a deep kiss..............

This is the last chapter of OUR DESTINY,
Thanks to everyone that spared their precious time to read this book,
I really appreciate,
May God bless you all,
And I love you all because without you I wouldn't have gotten this far 😁😁😁
I will try to write an epilogue as soon as possible 😘😘
Don't forget to add my new book "HE IS ROYALTY" to your reading list okay????
Y'all wont regret I promise ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
Once again I LOVE YOU ALL❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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