Part 26

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"Leema kinga Zainab Please?" i asked Zainab's sister who was about to enter the hall

"I saw her entering that car dai dazu" she said pointing to the car zainab was in

I hurried there trying my best to look and act normal

I opened the door and peeped

"Heyyy Amarsuu, sorry i have to borrow this your gist partner okay?" I said holding Zarah's hand

"We have to talk" i whispered dragging her out

"Whats up" she asked

"Lets go to my car Zee we gotta talk" i said holding her hands dragging her to my car

Just then the Grooms convoy pulled over

"Acee kinga ango ya iso can't we leave the talk for later" she asked stopping us

"Aa Zee this is the perfect time" i said opening the car for her to enter

I took a deep breath and looked at her

I have to tell her no matter how its gonna hurt at least it won't hurt as much as it would if she found out inside the dinner hall

"Zee" I started

"Do you know why Zainab didn't tell you about her husband? Or why they didn't even snap a pre wedding picture?" I asked looking at her

She just smiled and said "i know"

"You knew" i asked looking so surprised

"Yes babe I know" she said

"Whats do you know" I asked because i had to

"Zainab is forced to marry this guy because of their family tradition and some things dai" she said looking so relieved


Zainab gave me the you have no idea look but i just ignored it

"There is more to what you know Zarah" Zainab said holding my hand

"Zarah" she called my name

I just starred at her waiting for her to say whatever it is

Just then there was a knock on the window

"Ango ya iso fa" Binta said in a hurry

I was about to open the door when Zainab stopped me

"Zarah please wait" she said but i was too anxious to go there so i just taught she was joking

"Lets goo" i said rushing out

I heard her door closing indicating that shes also out of the car

I hurried there where everyone was standing and i saw the most heart breaking scene in my entire life

There he stood with the exact same clothes i saw him in earlier

Was he the grooms friend?

Why didn't he tell me he was a friend to the groom?

My answers were answered immediately when Leemah said something to him

"Ango ka ja mana aji wlhy" was what she said that immediately shattered my heart into several pieces

He gave her a weak smile

"Ina Amarya" he asked and I almost passed out

"This was what I wanted to tell you Zee but I couldn't" Zainab said holding my sweaty hands

"Lets go sit down kinji" she said but I couldn't even move an inch from where I'm standing

"What is happening?" I asked myself

I felt Asiya dragging me slowly and I followed her lead and we went into her car,

"I'm coming kinji" she said after putting on the AC

After some few minutes she came back and sat down with me

I couldn't even hold the tears anymore they were just rolling down

I placed my head on Asiya's shoulder and she wrapped her arms around me

"It's gonna be okay kinji Zee" she said patting me

"Bu...but..........w.....why........didn' it?" I said in between sobs

"Shhhhhhh" Asiya said

"Its okay kinji" she said wiping my tears away

I don't know for how long we sat there im silence or for how long i cried,

All i know is that the tears stopped coming out at a point and i laid there quietly

"Zee" Asiya called

"Should i take you home?" She asked me touching my forehead gently

"Your body is hot you need to rest kinji?" She said sounding so concerned

I managed to force some few words out of my mouth

"Lets go to your house"

She just said a silent okay

"Where is your car key?" She asked and i just gave her my purse

She went out and came back immediately

"Rabiu will come and get the car for you when we get home or tomorrow morning" she said as she started the car and took off

We got there and she arranged a hot water bath for me,

All i wanted to do was just close my eyes and let sleep take over but she didn't allow that

She cleaned my remaining makeup with face wipes and walked me to the toilet

I came out and met my pajamas on the bed I hurried and wore it and crawled under the blanket desperately looking for sleep but it was nowhere to be found

My head was pounding because of crying and new warm tears started rolling down my face again

I didn't know when or how but sleep finally came and took me away

😅 😅 😅
Don't mind the short chapters 😬
What do you think will happen 😈😈

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