Part 23

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Its already been 2 weeks since I spoke to mubarak, i tried so hard to avoid him and his messages.

Exams were so hard for me because my mind wasn't at rest,

"Why am i avoiding him?" I asked myself

"Zee I'm hungry" Asiya said bringing me back from my thoughts

We went downstairs to prepare something since it's just us in the house,

Mama went to her sisters house and daddy travelled,
And Jabir, I don't even know where he is because we stopped talking since the last kitchen encounter.

We finished eating and Asiya drove us to the tailors place to collect Zainab's anko,

"Next week dinner koh" Asiya said trying to make sure

I nodded my head and carried the clothes to see them very well,

Zainab's wedding is next week and i have a strange feeling about it because of lots of things,

She didn't introduce the husband to me which was understandable,

But still i feel like something is going on

"Zarah please pick my calls I don't know what is happening but I really have to talk to you" i read Mubarak's message that just came in

"Zarah just hear him out kinji" Asiya said looking at me

I've been thinking about that too, maybe he didn't want to tell me about his dead wife because it was a wound that is yet to heal and he didn't want to bring back the pain.

"Hello" i said to him over the phone

"Zarah" he called my name

"Na'am" i answered him quietly

"We need to talk please" he said

"You can come over to my house" i said to him

"Your house?" He asked surprised

"Yes, come at 7" i said and hung up

Asiya popped corn for is and we watched a movie before prayer time,

At exactly 7 Mubarak called that he was outside so i wore my hijab and sprayed a little perfume then i went to bring him inside,

We sat down in the parlor downstairs,

"Zarah" he called my name

I didn't answer him i just raised my head to look at him

"I'm sorry" he said getting up to kneel before me


I knew one way or the other that she was going to find out and I regret that I'm not the one that told her about it ,

"Im sorry" i said as I stood up and knelt before her

"I wanted to tell you everything Zarah but I didn't have the courage to do so" i said reaching to touch her hand but she withdrew it immediately

"Please Zarah, I don't want it too but i have no choice" I began

"I wouldn't choose to spend my life with anyone else apart from you Zarah, i want you alone" i said starring into her eyes

"Say something Please" I pleaded

"What do you want me to say Mubarak?" She said quietly

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"What is there? Or what would have happened to you? Huh?"

I couldn't say a word because i know she's hurting alot and i hate to see her hurt,

"Zarah I didn't know where to start from or how to even start telling you, Wallahi i didn't have a say in the decision, i was forced" i said

"What?" She asked looking so surprised as if she had no idea what i was blabbing

I just looked at her then looked down

"It hurts right?" She asked me

"Alot" I replied holding her hands

"How many months was the pregnancy?" She asked

I quickly raised my head and gave her the "what are you talking about" look

"Your wife" she said

"What was her name" she asked smiling

"Aliya" I replied her

Then i stood up to drink the water she brought for me when i came

"Beautiful name" she said again smiling

"Yeah......... yeah" I answered her

Then she started talking again

"Im so sorry she had to go early Mubarak i know its a deep wound and you don't like talking about it, I'm sorry i got mad at you" she said coming to hug me

"You should have told me" she whispered

I hugged her back then whispered "im sorry", we stood there for almost 5 minutes then my phone started ringing,

"Baba is looking for me baby" i said pecking her

She escorted me to my car and I drove off with thoughts filling my mind

"So she still hasn't heard about it?" I asked myself

I need to tell her before its too late or before she finds out somewhere else,

"Ya Allah make it easy for me" i prayed and went in to meet my dad, I already know what he was going to talk about.

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