Part 8

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This week have been one hell of a week for me tbh
With Jabir coming back,
School load increasing day by day
And the worst of all how I'm being treated like a kid everyday.
Bala is always busy with daddy's work and all because of renovation of my uncles house where Jabir is gonna stay so Bala is the one doing all the errands because daddy is busy with work.

"Why wont he just allow me to start driving" i said as we were sitting down with Asiya
"Don't worry i will always wait for you" she said
These past few days, Asiya always stays back to wait for bala to come and pick me from school no matter how late.
She even insisted in driving me back home but daddy refused.
So as the baby that i am, i have to wait for someone to come and pick me up from the university.
"Finally" Asiya said as she saw bala coming

I got home so tired and exhausted,
"Mama come and eat" my mum said
I went to take a quick shower then i came down to eat.
"Remember we're going to the airport tomorrow evening" she said
I almost forgot that Jabir is coming back tomorrow
I was so pissed that everyone is busy preparing for his arrival as if he was one special person 🤦🏻‍♀️
Maybe he is to them but not to me.
Because to me he is just an annoying big brother that thinks he can control me because daddy gave him the right to.
"Whatever"I taught as i sat down with mama in the parlor to watch before I go up to sleep.
I cant read anything today because i am sad 😞

"Mama, cant you please convince daddy to allow me to start taking myself to school?" I asked my mum pouting
"Kinsan halin baban ki, but don't worry i will talk to him again, kinsan he's busy with Jafar's arrival and all amma karki damu kinji" my mum said.
I smiled and put my head on her shoulders.

I decided to dress up for school/picking Jabir, so no need for me to go home again and then airport
They will just pick me up from school then we will go to the airport from there.
I didn't want to dress too serious so i just picked something simple.

I didn't want to dress too serious so i just picked something simple

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"This will do" i said as i head out.
We finished lectures at 4, and as the class rep
I had to take our assignments to Mr Mubarak's office.
Since we're like friends now even though we don't have each other's number i still find it fun to talk to him sometimes,
At least his grumpy mood is reduced now.

I myself know that I've been looking so depressed these past few days.
"Zarah are you okay?" He asked when I dropped the assignments and sat down to arrange them.
"I think so" i told him
"I've been kind of sick for some days" i lied
I didn't want to bring any family issue up because we've not reached that level with him yet.
It was 4:30, so I decided to ask him for some explanations before they come to pick me.

At exactly 5:10 mama called that they're at my faculty, i picked my bag saying a quick see you tomorrow to him before going to meet them.

We reached the airport earlier than when his flight will land so we had to wait,
We sat down as I removed my phone to chat.
"He's here" mama said standing up
Ugh I sigh as i stood up with everyone to welcome him
"Jabir" dad said hugging him
"Ya london and how was the flight?" My mum asked
"Lafiya lau" he replied
"ZeeZee, yau ba magana ne?" He asked
I just smiled "Yaya Jabir sannu da dawowa" i said as we started heading out.
Through out the ride home i didn't say a word, he tried so hard to include me in the conversation but I refused.

I was so surprised when we got home
Like mama made a buffet because of his arrival
Whats wrong with cooking just 1 thing I thought angrily as we all sat down to eat.
"So ZeeZee ya medicine?" He asked
I didn't want to be rude so i gave in to the conversation and we talked about school,Laila And how london was and a-lot of other things before daddy decided it was time for him to rest.

"ZeeZee,lets go drop jabir at home" my dad said
I just said okay because I didn't want to say no and bring up an argument.

What a long day I taught as i laid down in my room about to sleep, just then an unknown number called me
"Hello future wife" the person said
"The devil himself" I thought
"Hi yaya jabir" i said
We talked for some minutes before I decided to shove him off because i have morning classes.
Ugghh this is going to be a very long drama i said as I drifted off to sleep

Lovelies ❤️❤️❤️ how's the chapter

Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Lovelies ❤️❤️❤️ how's the chapter

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