Part 19

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Not everything comes easy i assure you because this is not something i can just ask daddy and he will go ahead and do for me,this is my worst nightmare and the daydreams that kept haunting me,

Alot of you will be thinking "I taught she's a daddy's girl and he does everything she wants" well guys not in this aspect.

Here i am sitting with my best friend Laila, shes back for end of year 3 summer break, yeah time runs so fast i know,

When or how I officially started dating mubarak,I don't know i just know that in the middle of a conversation I just said I love you and thats that,

He is an amazing man any girl will ever wish for and we've been dating for a few months now, he wants to take the giant step but I'm delaying him because apart from mama and my friends no one else knows about the relationship.

"How can i start telling daddy i have someone i want to marry?" I said pinching Laila making a fake sad face

"Ouch, we shall find a way but Zarah i know you......don't give your lifetime happiness up just to make Daddy happy please, this is your life we're talking about baby girl" she said shoving a spoon full of cream in her mouth.

And Laila is actually right because my heart was trying to convince me to do something stupid but she quickly dragged me back to my senses because this is my life we're talking about yeah,

It's either i choose to marry Jabir and make my dad happy and then me living a sad life forever

Or me introducing Mubarak as the one i want to marry and maybe daddy will accept and i live a happy life with the love of my life.

The choice is mine to make and besides there's still time before I graduate.

"Ni bacci nake ji" Laila said yawning

"Its just 8 fa baiwar Allah" i said raising my eyebrows up

"Ughh lets just go" she said standing up

"Here drive" i said tossing the key to her

She started driving and we played ed sheeran's song perfect and we started singing along taking turns when my phone suddenly started ringing and it was Mubarak who was calling.

"Hello Handsome" i said turning the volume down giving Laila the I'm sorry look

"Heyy beautiful, I miss you so much" he said faking a crying voice

We hardly meet now due to the break and also in school we don't see each other like before because I'm done with physiology so we only see each other when we plan to go for lunch or when I decide to stop by his office and say hi.

"Aww i miss you more sweetheart" i said smiling

Laila now poked me and i turned and eyed her

"What" i said quietly

"Tell him I'm saying hiii" she said so quietly that i had to just read her lips to understand what she was saying.

"Laila is saying hi" i said to him

"Awwnn I'm saying hi to her too since you refused to let me meet and welcome her" he said chuckling

"Aa its not like that, you can come see her now ai" i said to him

"Are you serious" he asked sounding so concerned

"Let me ask her I'll call you back" i said and hung up

Then we made plan with Laila, Mubarak was going to come to their house and i will introduce her then she will give us 30minutes to talk then we can go in since i was sleeping over there today and we already told her mum we were at my place but we will come to spend the night there.

"Laila,ya kike" Mubarak said when we entered his car

"Lafiya kalau fa" she answered

"So finally the allowed me to sneak a peek at the gem in the shell koh" he said and I couldn't jelp but laugh

We talked for a while before Laila decided to give us some privacy

"And your time starts now" she said in my ears

I just rolled my eyes and pushed her

As if Mr M was waiting for her to leave fa he pulled me into a tight hug bringing his lips so close to my ears and whispered

"You look so beautiful tonight baby, i hope no guy was looking at you koh" he said and i just blushed and hugged him tighter

Then we let go and he intertwined out fingers together pecking my hand

"Its been almost a week that i saw you last fa" he said pecking my hand again

"Its not even up to a week ai" i said looking at him

"It felt like years Babe" he said coming closer to peck my cheeks

I got used to his closeness not that we are dating so i dont feel like digging the ground and entering.

He repaired my turban that mistakenly fell off during the hug and I couldn't help but look at how amazing he looked tonight, he was wearing a black sweatpants and a plain black shirt, he looks so handsome.

He cupped my face with his palms starring at me
"What is it?" I asked him blinking my eyes

He didn't say anything and leaned over and I could feel his breath under my nostrils, i knew exactly what was about to happen and I didn't even mind,

Our lips were about to connect when my phone suddenly started ringing and i know it was Laila the 30 minutes she gave me were over.

I just looked at him and smiled

"Good night baby girl" he said waving

"Good night sweetie pie" i said waving too

We entered and Laila forced me to tell her everything that went on with Mubarak before we drifted off to sleep.

The next morning we went to my grandmas place and spent half of the day there then after maghrib Laila dropped me home.

After saying hi to mama in the kitchen i went to daddy's parlor to watch with him then when i got bored i headed to my room,took my bath and went under the duvet to talk to Mubarak till i fall asleep hearing his voice.

Yayyy two chapters in a day
😅 what a progress
Hit the star button guys😘😘

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