Part 17

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"What the actual hell" Awwal said as we entered my parlor to sit down

"Are you sure about it" he asked me

"I just told you the exact thing that guy said to me straight to my face and you're asking me if I'm sure" I answered him angrily

"Sorry, that's really messed up" he said trying to calm me down

I was way too angry to even continue with the conversation so i just told Awwal i was going to sleep and went up.

I taught we were about to have something so special with her not knowing that she was someone's wife to be already, it's better i back off before i hurt myself more than I did now.


I was so tired when I woke up the next morning, i went down and ate breakfast then went back to my room to open the presents people gave me.

I sighted Mubarak's gift so I reached and grabbed it, it was a red box with lots of hearts and happy birthdays on it, i opened it slowly to see what was inside.

It was a red wristwatch with its fancy bracelet and beside it there was another tiny box, I unwrapped the box and found a cute ring with a glittery heart on top, i just smiled and put the ring on and kept the watch and bracelet aside.

I opened the remaining gifts smiling at every one of them, from shoes to teddy bears to clothes, cards, makeups, Aunty Zuzu's second gift bag actually made me laugh it was a cute lingerie that I quickly shoved under my bed because looking at it alone made me embarrassed so i wonder how wearing it will be .

I packed the empty boxes and wrapping sheets that lay on my room floor and took them down to drop in the rubbish bin then went back to my room to clear everything,

I was so tired when I finished so I decided to take a quick nap and wake up before evening because i promised my grandma i was coming to spend the night with her.

"Mama na tafi" I shouted so that she can hear me from the kitchen

"Bye Mama and make sure you wake up early for school" she shouted back

"I won't I promise" i said to her as i went and opened my car, I threw the clothes bag in the back seat and dropped my hand/school bag on the passenger seat and drove off.

I decided to call Mubarak and thank him for coming but he wasn't picking so i just taught maybe he was busy,

Hm at least if i take his own slice of cake for him tomorrow i will ask him why he went off without a proper goodbye,

"Kin daina kitso koh binta" my grandma said as she massages my hair

"Lokaci ne babu wlhy" i said laying down properly on her laps,

We talked for only God knows how long before she started dozing and decided to head to bed

I laid down there and decided to send Mubarak message on whatsapp

"Thank you so much for coming, I really appreciate" i sent and waited for a reply that never came so i set my alarm for 7:30 then went in to sleep beside my grandma.

After lectures were over i went to Mubarak's office to give him the cake and talk to him

I knocked as usual and he said come in I entered and greeted him

"Good afternoon" i said holding the little box of cake

"Afternoon" he said still looking at his computer

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