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Nothing was the same after fourth grade. It hadn't seemed like much time had passed, but with everything Stan had been going through - it seemed like a life time of utter shit.

Stan was almost constantly depressed now. During freshman year of high school, Kyle finally had enough of Stan's destructive behavior, and removed himself from Stan's life. After Wendy left him too,  Stan fell into despair. The only person hanging around him at that point, was Kenny. Although Tweek and Craig sometimes hung out with Stan and Kenny, they could never put up with his depressed attitude long. It wasn't that they didn't like him, or didn't care about him, but it was that Stan refuse to listen to any help. Kenny was the only one who was strong enough to take his shit, and continue being a good friend.

Kyle was really only focused on school now. At that point in their Junior year of high school, Kyle was dating Bebe, but was constantly distressed over school, still trying to be the best and trying to beat Cartman. Although he still thought of Stan once and awhile, he thought he was better off not associating with someone who just wanted to wallow in their sadness.

Cartman was completely disassociated with any of his former 'friends'. Instead, he was constantly up the ass of anyone that gave him even the slightest bit of attention. He never had a designated group of 'friends' to bother anymore, he just kind of bounced around from person to person, most of the time just ending up annoying Butters.

Kenny was still poor, and still occasionally scoped the town as Mysterion, mainly watching over his best friend, Stan, and his sister, Karen. Kyle still tried to talk to Kenny, but Kenny always avoided him, due to the fact that he felt as if Kyle was wrong for abandoning his friend when he was dealing with a mental illness. Kenny had become very protective over Stan since his dad left, and spent most of his time taking care of him, despite Stan being constantly drunk and bitter.

Nothing was simple anymore. They weren't kids, and although things could've been worse, no one was truly happy. And things could only get worse from there.

While everyone was in class, Stan was sitting alone of the bathroom floor in the big stall, a bottle of stolen whiskey in his hand. Stan had his head leaned on the wall, staring at the tiles, trying to stop the tears that were constantly running down his face. As he wiped his cheeks and eyes with his sleeves, he took another long swig. Attempting to get up without stumbling, but failing, Stan chuckled sarcastically to himself.

Sticking the half empty bottle back in his backpack, Stan popped a piece of gum in his mouth. He had skipped third period again for the second time that week, but to him it didn't really matter anymore. Stan had completely given up on trying to do anything good for himself since his dad left when he was a Freshman. He was convinced he was destined to be a failure, and nothing more.

Knowing he had a few minutes before the bell rang for fourth period, Stan stood in front of the mirror looking into his sunken eyes, from his lack of sleep, and constant state of drunkenness. At school, he was mostly pretty tipsy until the end of the day, where he would be sober enough to drive him and Kenny home.

Just as Stan was thinking about how disappointed Kenny would be again, Kenny happened to walk in, already knowing that Stan would be in there. Kenny sighed as he looked at Stan's state and squeezed the bridge of his nose, sad and disappointed in himself and Stan. He walked over to him though, fixing his disheveled clothes and hair.

"Stan," Kenny started as he backed away, sighing heavily. "I hate when you do this to yourself."

Stan simply just shrugged, and gave him a sad smile. He wasn't able to look him in the eyes. "I know, and I love you for it, dude."

The two boys left the bathroom together, Kenny watching every move Stan made, just in case he needed to catch him. They didn't speak a word to each other as they walked to Algebra II, but even though it might've looked awkward, both of them were not very talkative people. Both of them were always in their heads - just not in the same ways.

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now