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Much to Kyle's surprise, Stan had actually agreed to talk to him during gym. Of course he didn't know Kyle wanted to talk to him about his dad's death, or he definitely would've refused. 

But now, Kyle had to go through two more hours of waiting to talk to Stan, which was much more grueling than he had ever expected. He had just come to terms about being in love with Stan, but it still shocked him to feel exactly how excited Kyle was to talk to him. Even if it was about something dark.

As soon as sixth hour ended, Kyle ran out of the classroom, towards the gym building outside, eager to see Stan. He felt stupid for being so eager to talk to a person he cared about (Kyle wasn't exactly sure what to refer to him as) something so emotional scarring, but he couldn't help it.

Kyle was the first in the locker room, and changed quickly, sitting at the end of the bench as he breathed heavily, his tiny body grasping to get a breath. As he caught his breath, the other boys started to walk in, their chatter flooding the locker room, Kyle's body shaking with anxiety.

Kenny looked at Kyle strangely as he opened his locker, and then at Stan, who happened to be staring at Kyle. Kenny smiled, and winked at Kyle, stifling a giggle. Kenny knew unspoken words better than anyone, and he could tell there was definitively about to be a tense conversation between his two best friends.

Shit, this is gonna be juicy. Kenny thought to himself as he smirked, I better text Butters every detail as I eavesdrop. 

He may have felt a little bit weird being so caught up in his friend's relationships, but Kenny didn't give a shit. He was their biggest supporter after all, so was it really that wrong?

Kyle ignored Kenny's tautening looks, and followed the teacher out as he lead them to the field, pretending like he was actually going to make them do shit. Thankfully, as always, the teacher walked to the bleachers and pulled out his phone, leaving the students to do whatever the fuck they wanted.

Sitting against the fence surrounding the shitty football field, Kyle waited for Stan to come over. He wasn't sure if he was really going to, but he figured that if he did, that it was going to get serious, but that if he didn't come over to talk - it was cool. It would have to be cool with Kyle if he didn't want to lose Stan.

Although Kyle's doubts were high, Stan came strolling over, his hands in basketball short's pockets, staring up at the sky. From far away, he may have looked peaceful, the sun gleaming down across his face, his brown eyes shining as a beautiful gold; but Kyle knew he was pushing away feelings he had to face.

It was either this, or force Stan to go to therapy every week. That was the last thing he needed.

Stan sat next to Kyle, folding his hands together in his lap as he continued looking up at the sky, his eyes closed. Staring at him for a moment, Kyle found himself almost drooling from how ruggedly handsome Stan had grown up to be. Of course, Stan was still seventeen and had a lot of maturing to do, but even at his young age, he was like a fucking George Clooney. 

Kyle's breathing quickened as he looked away from Stan, biting his bottom lip anxiously again. If this was going to be a serious conversation, Kyle could not be drooling over Stan. Actually, in general, Kyle couldn't be drooling over Stan anyways.

Tired of Kyle avoiding speaking, Stan sighed. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

Jumping at Stan suddenly talking, Kyle laughed awkwardly. "Well, you're not going to like it. But you don't like me, so I'm the best person to talk to you about this."

He wanted to tell Kyle that of course he liked him, but Stand held back, feeling that maybe it was partly true. "Okay. What's it about."

"Your dad." Stan visibly flinched as Kyle said this, signaling a bad start to a heavy conversation. "I don't know how you feel, and I don't want to try to sound like I know how you're feeling." Kyle waited for Stan to nod before he continued, a knot forming in his throat. "Everyone who loves you, your mom and your friends, are worried that you're not dealing with your feelings."

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now