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It had been a week since Stan went into the psychiatric hospital. Only Kyle, Kenny, and Sharon truly knew where he was was. The school was told that he was sick with the flu, mainly to avoid Stan getting unwanted attention. Sharon didn't want Stan to suffer anymore stress that he already would be after being in a hospital for a week. Sharon was driving Stan home at the moment, not a word shared between them after she picked him up.

Stan didn't want to talk about his experience. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't exactly pleasant. He had made friends, but after hearing so many other teenager's stories, he felt like he didn't have a right to be depressed. He was diagnosed, by a Psychiatrist, as being an Alcoholic, and having Major Depressive Disorder. It didn't really change anything for him.

With a prescription for Stan in her hand, Sharon pulled into a drug store parking lot, smiling tightly at Stan before going into the store. He had to see a Psychiatrist and a therapist now, which meant he would have to continually talk about shitty he didn't care about in the slightest. Stan was feeling bitter, annoyed that he didn't just die.

Sharon jumped in the car, handing Stan his Zoloft, that wasn't exactly guaranteed to work. It was more like a trial and error, a way for the psychiatrist to experiment with his mind. Stan just wanted to go home, and be in his own bed.

Tomorrow, he already had to go back to school. The school was starting to really wonder if Stan would sick, so he couldn't even have a full day to rest. Whatever the situation would've been when he got out, Stan would've been grumpy. Sure, he missed Kenny, Butters, Craig, and Tweek, but he wasn't looking forward to the aftermath of his attempt on his peers. Stan never imagined himself actually trying to kill himself, but it happened, and there was no taking something like that back.

As Stan and his mom pulled up to the dark house, Stan felt waves of relief wash over him when he thought about the comfort of his own bed. Even being outside for just two minutes felt like heaven after not breathing fresh air for a week. Sharon carried Stan's bag in as he followed behind, feeling a bit guilty for being so grumpy.

"Mom?" Stan whispered, his left hand gripped tightly on his right elbow. "I'm so sorry I put you through that.. I love you so much."

Sharon's eyes began to water as he engulfed her son, stroking his head gently. "It's okay, honey. Just please talk to me next time. I love you." She kissed his forehead, wiping away the few tears that slid down his cheeks. "Go get some rest."

Stan simply nodded, before walking slowly upstairs. He was exhausted, despite having eight hours of sleep every night for an entire week. Maybe it was mental exhaustion, but Stan wanted nothing but to sleep for as long as he could.

Slamming into bed finally, Stan didn't even bother to get undressed. He hugged his pillow, a smile breaking onto his face as smelt the scent of home. Falling asleep quickly, Stan's mind flashed with the reminder of Kyle, sending a shudder down his spine.


Because of him missing school for a whole week, Sharon woke Stan up a whole hour earlier than usual. She had to take him to the school to discuss certain things with Mr. Mackey - mostly Stan's drinking habits.

Stan wasn't aware that he was pretty much receiving an intervention, and got up with ease, just happy to be home. After pulling on some random jeans, a t-shirt, and his usual jackets, Stan waited by the front door for his mother. He really didn't like that he couldn't pick Kenny up, nor that he couldn't drive his truck, but he would deal with it for today.

Sharon lead him to her car, starting the engine quietly. She attempted to make small conversation with Stan, but only got shitty short answers that a parrot could copy. Stan just didn't know what to say to her anymore, he had become the ultimate let down, and he juts couldn't get passed that.

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now