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Bright light poured into the bedroom as the sun slowly rose, disrupting Stan from his drunken slumber. He didn't fight against waking up as he usually did, staring blankly at the floor as his alarm clock went off.

After a moment of the annoying beeping, Stan reached up and slammed his hand onto the snooze button. He pushed himself out of bed, almost falling over as his head struggled to stop spinning. 

Stan did not want to be awake. He was really hoping the mix of alcohol and pills would kill him, so he was just a little grumpy. Stan trudged into the closest, grabbing a pair of worn out jeans, and a random t-shirt he didn't even bother to look at. He reached down into the closet and grabbed his whiskey that was hidden in there, before pouring it into what he called his "school flask".

Before going downstairs to pick Kenny up, Stan took a long swig, ignoring the pain in his stomach. As he was making his way down the stairs, he heard his mom in the kitchen and quickly popped a piece of gum in his mouth, hoping the smell wasn't sticking with him.

Sharon turned as Stan walked slowly into the kitchen, huge bags under his eyes like he hadn't slept in days. She assumed it was from him being sick though, and set a glass of water, and some toast in front of him. "Morning, hon. Are you feeling better today?"

Stan shrugged as he picked up his toast, biting into it carefully, trying to avoid getting sick. Today was Friday, and Stan really didn't feel like having a four day weekend. "Better, still not great. Do you work today?"

Going back to the blender where she was making herself a smoothie, her shoulders tensed. She turned to Stan carefully, hoping he wouldn't get too upset. "Stan, sweetie, I have to go see the lawyer again about your father.."

Since Freshman year when his parents got divorced, Randy had been trying to fight Sharon for custody of Stan. Of course, he never won because he was always drunk and angry, but it put so much stress of his mom to go to those stupid meetings, just to fight with him all over again. "I'm sorry, mom." Stan looked at his phone and realized he needed to leave. He chugged his water quickly before kissing his mother on the cheek. "Love you, keep me updated."

Sharon watched as her son ran out the door. As a mother, she knew something was wrong with Stan - whether it was depression, anger or just teenage crap, his mother could see it. She was afraid for her son, as she saw him look more and more like someone was beaten down everyday.

Peeling out of the driveway rather quickly, Stan pushed his truck to get to Kenny's, not wanting to be late for school and disappoint his mom. He got there in less than five minutes, which was definitely a record, considered Kenny lived exactly five minutes away.

As he waited for Kenny, he heard Kenny's father yelling at his mother, followed by some crash. Stan stared at his hands, feeling guilty because he knew they were both alcoholics, and he wasn't much better than them. Kenny came running out of the house suddenly, trying hard to hide most of his face.

Stan stared at Kenny for a moment as he didn't say anything, just stared at his hands. "Ken, are you okay?"

Kenny turned his face towards him, showing a black eye and a gash on his cheek. Stan gasped, but Kenny smiled anyways, giving him a thumbs up. "All good, dude."

Shaking his head, not wanting to push Kenny any farther, Stan put the car in drive and continued off to school. Fuming to himself about how angry he was at Kenny's father, he groaned before turning down the radio, catching Kenny's attention. "Who did that?"

Acting as if nothing happened, Kenny shrugged. "Did what?"

"Kenny," Stan glared at him for a moment. "You know what. Please, tell me."

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now