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Stan awoke in the bathroom by himself, confused as to why he was even there. He looked down at his phone, and saw through his blurry vision that the final bell had just gone off moments before. Stan panicked as he pushed himself up, not really understanding how no one had found him - especially Kenny.

He walked carefully out of the bathroom to find the hallways empty. Going out of the back door quickly, he made his way to the parking lot and to his truck. After skipping basically a whole day of school, he did not want to get caught by any teachers. Once in his truck, Stan saw that he had a notification from Kenny.

Slutty Kenny: you won't remember but I tried to get you up and you refused, told me to leave you the fuck alone. I don't know if you meant it, but I'm going home. see you later.

Stan looked up from his phone with tears in his eyes, not remembering anything after chugging his whiskey. He rubbed his palms against his cheek, trying to stop himself from crying, which didn't help much. Stan couldn't believe himself. He was truly becoming like his father, ruining relationships and missing school. He had always promised himself that he would be better than Randy, but here he was, following the exact same path.

Starting his truck, Stan knew that he had to do something different today to distract himself from drinking. Putting the windows down, Stan drove outside of the town towards the cemetery where his Grandpa was buried. He didn't really believe in God, and he had pushed away everyone - he just wanted someone to talk to.

The cemetery was rarely visited, seemingly forgotten by everyone who was alive. People liked to avoid death, even if that meant not seeing their dead loved ones. Stan never understood why people avoided the topic of death, it was inevitable. Completely unavoidable.

As he walked up the pathway to his grandfather's grave, he laughed at his morbid thoughts, finally understanding why people called him cynical. Stan just saw the world negatively, and thought that it was normal; it was actually weird to him when people were positive.

Standing in front of his grandpa' gravestone now, tears immediately started to form in his eyes as he felt longing to see him again. In his final years, his grandpa was struggling with Alzheimer's, barely knowing who Stan even was, but it never stopped Stan from admiring his grandpa.

"Grandpa," Stan said weakly, as tears slipped down his cheeks. "I'm fucked up. I'm just like Randy - pathetic. I don't know what you would tell me if you were here. I'm just.. I'm just so lost right now. I need help."

Looking around the cemetery, Stan laughed, feeling ridiculous that he was talking to a headstone. He wasn't sure if there was a God, so he wasn't even sure his grandpa's soul was hearing him. Despite that though, Stan sat there, crying to him, desperate for any type of help.

~Time skip to Stan back at home~

Now sitting at the dinner table with his mom, Stan picked at his food, feeling too sick to eat. His stomach didn't feel sick, but his mind felt heavy and diseased. Sharon noticed, but didn't say anything, also noting that Kenny wasn't with him.

Stan wanted to tell his mother how he was struggling, and get some sort of help, but whenever he saw how tired she was, he couldn't bring himself to tell her, and become a burden. Sharon already had to deal with one drunken asshole, she didn't deserve to deal with another.

After a few minutes of picking at his food, Stan quietly thanked her before going up to his room. Unsure of what to do to keep his mind off of drinking, Stan began pacing, thinking about calling Kenny for help, but something told him not to. Although he didn't remember talking to Kenny earlier, he felt as if they had a bad fight - and that it was definitely his fault.

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now