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The rest of the school day, Stan remained quiet. 

The anguish Stan was feeling was enough to completely shut his brain off, making him a lifeless zombie who wanted to feel nothing. Stan didn't attempt to fight these feelings away, giving in to the demons.

Kenny could see the difference in Stan from this morning, and it really disappointed him. Not that he was disappointed in Stan, but he was upset that Stan had been in such a good mood earlier, only to have it ruined. He suspected that Stan had heard him fighting with Kyle earlier, but knew bringing it up before he was ready was a pretty bad idea right now.

Throughout the day, Kenny made sure Kyle left Stan the fuck alone - and he did, avoiding all eye contact at any costs. It's not like Stan noticed at all though, only saying the words, "hello" and "bye". Even his teachers noticed his emptiness, but decided to just leave the sad boy be.

Stan was now in his truck, his beanie off as he let the warm sun beat down on his dark hair, while waiting for Kenny. He didn't play any music as he enjoyed the warmth, appreciating just hearing the peace of nature, trying to get his mind off of things. Just as he truly started to relax, Kyle walked out of the school alone, his books tightly pressed against his chest as he walked quickly to the sidewalk towards his house.

It was almost like something had been telling Kyle to look up and catch Stan's eye. Like he was shocked that it happened, Kyle looked the other way immediately, walking faster than he had been. So, he still listens to Kenny.. Stan thought to himself while rolling his eyes, ignoring the knot forming in his stomach.

"What's up, dildo?" Kenny was leaning on the passenger side door suddenly, smirking cockily as the warm wind tousled his hair. Stan couldn't help, but to smile gently at his best friend, and roll his eyes when he realized what Kenny had just called him.

"You getting in fucktard?" Stan asked teasingly, waiting for him to jump in like he usually would've.

Kenny blushed for a moment, looking away towards something behind him. It wasn't that he was embarrassed to tell his best friend, he was just really nervous. Kenny rubbed the back of his neck as he avoided eye contact, chuckling as he started to explain: "So, I uh, kind of have a date with Butters..?"

Stan immediately gasped, almost squealing like a fangirl. "No fucking way! Hell yeah, man!"

They high-fived as Stan beamed at his friend, a smile never coming off of Kenny's face, too. Just the fact that Stan was continuously supportive, made Kenny feel more confident in himself. "I'll text you all the details tonight, dude. See ya later!"

As Kenny ran to catch up with Butters, Stan smirked as he yelled at them: "Have fun, but use protection!"

Kenny flipped Stan off as he left the parking lot, laughing at them and their blushing faces. As soon as he was down the road though, Stan's happiness quickly faded. He was alone, for the first time in awhile.

For the short drive home, Stan put on some random music to try to distract his depressing thoughts. Of course he was very happy that Kenny was finally dating the person of his dreams - but at the same time it was making Stan feel alone and scared. What made things even worse in that moment though, was as Stan was pulling into his driveway, Kyle happened to be about to walk passed his house.

Panicking for a minute in his truck, Stan couldn't decide whether to hide or try to get in the house before Kyle saw him. He decided to try and dash into his house, but as he attempted to quickly unlock the door, he naturally dropped his keys. This caused Kyle to look up, and see Stan cursing at himself as he fumbled with his keys. Kyle smiled a little before he realized that if Stan saw him it would be really awkward. Kenny would probably also kill him if he found out they interacted. Yet, he still couldn't keep his big, stupid mouth shut: "S-Stan?"

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now