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Kyle opened his eyes to bright white lights, and the sounds of telephones ringing. At first, he thought he was dead, but when he sat up and saw Kenny sitting in the corner of the room sleeping, he knew that he was just in the nurse's office. Unfortunately.

The nurse happened to walk in as Kyle woke up, and started to tend to him immediately, asking him endless questions. He purposefully ignored most of them, hoping her annoying questions would wake up Kenny. Thankfully, Kenny's snoring came to a stop, and he jumped up from his chair, groggily walking to Kyle's side.

"Jesus, Kyle!" Kenny half-yelled, eyes wider than the sun. "What happened?!"

Shaking his head, Kyle fought back tears, not wanting to cry in front of the nurse, who was still hovering. "Stan and I got in an argument. I said something I wasn't ready to say, and he left. I panicked, Ken.."

Seeming to understand exactly what Kyle had let slip to Stan, Kenny nodded, rubbing his shoulder gently. After the nurse cleared him of a concussion, she left to call his mother. Sheila was another thing that Kyle had forgotten about. So, on top of accidentally outing himself to Stan, he had to deal with his homophobic mother yelling at him. Everything was great.

There was a thick silence in the room as Kenny tried to think of what exactly to ask. He had so many questions about how Kyle outed himself, that he couldn't pick just one to start off with. Helping Kyle with his things, Kenny noticed how emotionless Kyle was, nonreactive since his mother was mentioned.

"Wait," Kenny said, mainly to himself because Kyle wasn't aware of his thought process. "Two things, dude, and then we don't have to say anything."

Kyle nodded, throwing his backpack onto his shoulder. "Alright, man."

"What did Stan say, and is this the first night your mom is back?" Kenny asked quickly, tapping his fingers nervously against the counter of the nurse's office.

Twitching slightly at the harsh memories from his mother, and Stan, Kyle frowned at himself. "He just ran away, looking scared, which doesn't make sense, considering he told me he was bisexual." Kenny raised an eyebrow, not remembering hearing that part of the conversation when he was eavesdropping, but he had also been smoking a joint with Craig. "And yeah, my mom is coming home to talk to me, and probably murder me."

Standing up straighter as he heard Kyle say those last words, completely serious, Kenny crossed his arms, looking through the window of the door to see Sheila, talking to the nurse. "Dude, she's not going to murder you. Why would you think that?"

"I-I-" Kyle started, now feeling stupid for thinking that. "I heard them say a few nights ago they wanted to 'get rid of me now'."

Kenny saw Sheila getting closer, and quickly offered up words of comfort before the bitch heard: "They probably meant send you away somewhere. If you need me, call me. Okay?"

Only nodding as Sheila opened the door, Kyle walked out immediately, not wanting to say a single word to her. She looked at Kenny, glaring at him as she followed her son quickly, grabbing his elbow roughly as soon as they were outside, practically dragging him to the car.

As soon as they were in the car, Sheila sighed heavily. "Kyle, your father is waiting for us at home. We're going to have a long talk about you. And Stan Marsh."

Sheila peeled out of the parking lot as Kyle stared out the window, his palms becoming clammy with sweat as he realized the nurse told his mother what she had heard. Unfortunately, Sheila was smart enough to figure out that Kyle had feelings for Stan. Things just kept getting worse.

They parked too son in the driveway, Kyle's hands shaking as he reached for the door handle, just wanting to run the opposite way instead of dealing with his shitty parents. But, Kyle followed his mom inside, dropping his backpack at the bottom of the stairs. After he untied his shoes, and set them neatly on the shoe mat, Kyle walked through the small hallway, leading to the kitchen.

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now