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Noon, Thursday morning.

Kenny kept glancing at his phone, awaiting Cartman's exposing video. As more than ten minutes passed, Kenny relaxed, looking to Kyle with hopeful eyes. Kyle met him with wide eyes, pointing down to his phone.

Receiving a link from Kyle, Kenny shakily opened it. What popped up, was worse than he could've imagine.

There were the videos with Clyde, but way worse things. One contained Wendy with another girl - a girl that happened to be Heidi. Kenny felt his heart in his throat as he saw secret videos of his fellow classmates, and even one of Stan.

Before Kenny could look at the video of Stan, the class erupted with arguments, some resulting in punches. Kyle was still looking at his phone, obviously looking at something so horrific that his body was shaking just as much as Tweek was on a daily basis.

As the teacher hurried to stop the students from fighting, Kyle dashed out of the door. Kenny quickly followed, tripping on Bebe on the ground, whose hair was being pulled by Red for god knows what.

Kenny ran after Kyle watching as he pushed over every classroom door, exposing the mass amounts of students fighting. Kenny tried to get Kyle's attention, but was stopped as Kyle came face to face with Cartman, seemingly the person he was looking for.

Cartman looked around with delight at the chaos, not caring how angry Kyle was. "Did you see it, Jew-boy?"

Kyle pushed Cartman against the lockers with a strength unforeseen in the small boy. "Why the fuck would you do this? Why did you record all of this shit, you sick bastard?!"

Kenny shook his head, touching Kyle's right shoulder lightly. "Dude, what did he post that exactly has you so pissed?"

Not breaking his eye contact with Cartman, Kyle grimaced. "It was.. It was a video of Stan attempting."

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" Kenny screamed at Cartman, trying to lunge at him, but felt himself held back by someone familiar.

Butters held Kenny back, slowly backing him away from the situation. "Ken, please don't." At the sound of Butter's voice, Kenny melted into him, most of his anger fading away. "Let Kyle kick his ass. You know how much he loves Stan."

Kyle waited for them to leave before he continued, pointing his finger harshly at Cartman as soon as they were far enough away. "You fucking fat piece of shit. You made a site to expose people's deep secrets! What the fuck do YOU even gain from that?"

Cartman shrugged, a smug grin still on his face. "I like seeing all of the people who fucked me over get what they deserve."

Holding back the urge to punch him, Kyle closed his eyes keeping a deep breath. "What about Stan? We both know he never fucked you over."

"Well," Cartman started, looked at his nails as if he wasn't a trash can who should be set on fire. "I caught that by accident, but it was funny as fuck."

Kyle couldn't back anymore at that statement, his fist coming into contact with Cartman's face. "I'M GOING TO SMASH YOUR FUCKING TEETH IN!"

As other kids and faculty surrounded Kyle, they watched as he beat the shit out of Cartman, smashing his face with his fists round after round. Cartman didn't even get a slap in as Kyle wrecked his shit, breaking his nose, breaking some of his teeth and splitting his lips. No one stopped Kyle as he did this, fully knowing that he was responsible for the destruction of their school.

Kyle stood up as he felt his energy drain, blood dripping from his fists as Cartman laid panting and crying on the floor. No one said a word, not even the principal, as Kyle walked out of the school, his fists bloody, bruised, and maybe even broken from his complete loss of control.

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now