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Minor Character Death/Parental Death

After seeing Shazam with Craig and Tweek, which turned out to be more fun than he thought, Stan walked back towards home, the air feeling chilly around him. As Stan hugged himself against the cool winds, he noticed someone sitting at Stark's pond alone.

Getting closer, Stan quickly realized that it was Kenny, recognizing his orange parka immediately. Pondering whether to talk to him or not, Stan stood there, pushing down his anxiety. It was worth being yelled at if he got to talk to Kenny, and let him know he wasn't angry.

Stan slowly walked up to Kenny, cringing as his shoes crunched the hard grass. Kenny didn't turn around though, not even when Stan stood at the opposite side of the bench, looking out at the pond as the moon glistened on it. 

There was few minutes of silence before Stan got the courage to speak, clearing his throat before he did. "I'm not mad, Ken." Kenny remained silent, his hands shoved in his parka, and his hood up. "I was mad before I went to therapy for three week, but I get it. Kyle wasn't only my friend before - he was also mine. I've been selfish." Kenny still didn't react, and Stan sighed, turning away. "That's all I wanted to say. See ya."

Tears started to well up Stan's eyes as he turned to walk away from Kenny, but he was stopped by a voice. "Therapy for three weeks, huh?"

As Stan partied in his head for a moment, he sat down at the end of the bench, biting back a smile. "Therapy. Medicine. Addiction counseling. The usual."

Looking towards Stan finally, Kenny also bit back a smile, knowing full well that he forgave him that moment he began talking. "You think it helped?"

Stan nodded, watching the ripples on the water. "Yes, definitely. I feel like a new person, ya know? I mean, I'm not just magically fixed, but I have some real hope that I'll be a normal person."

Without any warning, Kenny was hugging Stan's shoulder, his face buried deeply in his right one. Stan was surprised at first, but hugged his arm that was across his chest, tears of joy spilling down his cheeks. He had Kenny back. That's all that fucking mattered - he got his brother back.

Kenny sat up, wiping his tears, and clearing his throat as he pretended like he wasn't just crying. "So, I'm sure you have some questions, dude."

Wiping his eyes roughly too, Stan nodded again curtly. "Fuck yeah. Um, I dunno where to start.. I guess.. why did you forgive Kyle? Like, what changed your mind?"

Knowing this question was coming, Kenny sighed. "Well, I know that he's been a dickbag, but he apologized to me with so much sincerity.. I just knew how sorry he truly was. The things that have been happening to him, have really opened his eyes to who had become. He's the person now, that he should've always been."

Stan stayed silent as he continued staring at the water, trying to understand Kyle's behavior. Sure, Kyle had always valued being liked, but for him to go so far for it? There had to be more. "Why is everyone at school talking about him? And why the hell are people looking at me so weirdly when I haven't even been in three weeks."

No one in high schools knows how to keep their fucking mouths shut, so Kenny wasn't surprised that Stan had heard people's conversations about Kyle - but he sure as hell was dreading talking about it. "It's..It's a really long story."

Not buying his lame excuse, Stan looked Kenny in the eyes. "I've got time."

"Fuck, okay." Kenny groaned, rubbing his temples. "So, I was stupid and decided to team up with Cartman to get revenge on Clyde for Butters."

"Ken-" Stan started, completely shocked that Kenny would comply to that.

Kenny shushed him, continuing on. "I was so focused on getting Clyde back for Butters, that I forgot it was fucking Cartman." Stan nodded slowly, still rolling his eyes at Kenny's decision. "Anyways, if you're done judging me, Stanley, Kyle pretty much talked sense into me. But the next day.. Cartman released horrific videos on a website. The video of Clyde hurting Butters, and then you fucking up Clyde. Clyde sucking Token's dick." Stan's mouth fell open at this, completely shocked by the information. "A video of Wendy and Heidi together. But, the worst was a video.. of you.. attempting.."

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now