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It was three in the morning in South Park. Most people were sleeping, but Kyle was still awake in his room, desperately trying to finish his extra credit. He had to finish it. He had to be in the best in his class. He had to be perfect. 

Along with having high expectations for himself, his mother also expected the same of him. In fact, she was the one pushing him the hardest, and now his anxiety never let him rest. Kyle believed that if he wasn't perfect, he was a failure - despite nearly everyone in his life expressing how proud they were of him.

As Kyle finally finished up his assignment, his exhaustion hit him intensely. He struggled to keep his eyes open, Stan crossing his thoughts again. It wasn't like Stan hadn't crossed his mind at all since their friendship fell through, it was just strange that it was happening more frequently than Kyle would've liked.

"Maybe I'm feeling guilty?" Kyle muttered to himself before shrugging, and sending in his assignment, his eyes half closed. As Kyle dragged himself into his bed, he found himself again wondering more about Stan, and how he was doing.

Kyle huffed at himself as his eyes snapped open, his annoyance jolting him awake. He was getting really tired of thinking about Stan. Reaching into his nightstand, Kyle pulled out some Melatonin, popping two in his mouth so he would fall asleep faster. Most of all, he just really didn't want to think about Stan anymore.

"You know what? Fuck Stan, he was an asshole to me today." Kyle muttered, not even realizing he was speaking his thoughts. Finally as he fell asleep, he turned his curiosity for Stan - into anger and hate.



Rolling over immediately, not wanting to deal with his hangover yet, Stan groaned in response to whoever was talking to him. A hand suddenly slapped Stan's face and he shot up, holding his head in pain as he remembered the state he was in. "Fuck! I'm up, goddamn.."

Kenny stood next to him, clearly not happy about Stan getting that wasted again. Throwing some of Stan's clean clothes at him, Kenny motioned to the stairs: "You smell like shit, go shower."

Stan nodded slowly as Kenny walked away, probably going to eat breakfast. Stan got up slowly, his eyes only half open, but still able to see the pills, water, and bread on the table next to the couch. He smiled slightly, making a mental note to thank Kenny yet again, and started making his way upstairs to the shower. While in the shower, Stan grabbed for his hidden flask, taking some long swigs before finishing his shower. Just to get him through the morning.

As he predicted, Stan woke up feeling very depressed. He felt as if a weight was on his back, and he knew it wasn't just from the hangover. After getting dressed, Stan ate the rest of the bread, and took the pills with the rest of the water, his stomach calming somewhat.

Stan found Kenny in the kitchen, making eggs, toast, and coffee, while Family Guy played on the TV. Kenny turned around as he heard Stan trudge into the kitchen, offering him a tight smile before refocusing on cooking. Stan sat down at the counter, rubbing his temple as he breathed slowly, trying to will himself not to throw up. Despite the pills, and water, he was still feeling a little more sick than he normally did. Oh, and of course, he felt pretty damn guilty for being a shitty friend. 

"Ken," Kenny turned and looked at Stan, humming in response. Stan bit at his thumb nail for a moment, the guilt forming a knot in his throat as he spoke: "thank you for the water, pills and food. I'm sorry I got that drunk again, and passed out on you. I'm being a really, really shitty friend.."

Kenny sighed, and felt his annoyance melt away from the genuine apology. His best friend also looked like his mental state was in a fragile place this particular morning, which made Kenny treat him a little more gently. "Stan, it's fine." Stan shook his head though, and buried himself in his arms. Now scowling to himself, Kenny was getting frustrated. "Look, I understand you're going through shit, and that's why I'm here for you no matter what. I just wish you wouldn't drink so much."

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now