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For whatever reason, the universe was in the boy's favor, as the next few weeks were blissful for Stan and Kyle. There was actually no catch to Sheila accepting them, and she actually became their biggest supporter, sending them on dates whenever Kyle didn't have homework, and giving Stan money for presents.

Stan was obviously still skeptical, but he was like that with basically everyone, but Kyle and Kenny. Unlike Stan, Kyle felt no doubt whatsoever, embracing her mother's affection completely, even setting aside a day in the week to spend time with her. Most of his life, she had been a control freak, and now it was like she flipped a switch, and started acting like a mother who cared about more than school.

Even everything at school was good, everyone accepting all of the boys - even Clyde stopped being nasty, and douchey. It really was almost like they were in a dream, living a life they had always wanted. And it was nice to finally have everyone happy, in fact, Stan was the happiest out of everyone. He never felt the need to drink, and he was more affectionate than Kyle ever would've imagine (not that he was complaining though).

Lately, Token had been interacting with them more, relieving that he had no idea about Cartman and Clyde's stupid, and terrible plan, in fact, Token was actually very gay, and very into Clyde, unfortunately. But since realizing that Token was as innocent as they were to homophobic ploys, they had let Token hang out with their "group", playing video games, and other stupid shit, after school.

Friday was Token's birthday party, and he was throwing a pretty large party since his parents were going out of town. Stan wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he was really fucking scared, it was his first time being so close to alcohol in so long, and even the thought of being close to it was tempting. From his meetings, Stan had discovered that although he clung to alcohol because of his depression, that it was also way more than possible that he would have the craving if it was even around him. He knew he should've talked to Kyle about it, but Kyle was pretty preoccupied with exams coming up, only giving his short kisses between classes because of his need to study.

It was Thursday afternoon when Stan decided to talk to a few people about it. First, he approached Token after third house, striking up normal conversation at first, but Token was smart, and could see through Stan's random questions.

"Stan," Token crossed his arms, leaning slightly against his locker. "What's wrong?"

Sighing way harder than he really needed to, Stan rubbed his cheek for a moment, moving closer to Token. "I-Is there going to be alcohol there? At your party?"

Rolling his eyes, Token scoffed a little, not knowing of Stan's struggle with addiction. "Duh, I'm a seventeen year old throwing a party, while my parents are out of town."

Stan immediately went pale, his eyes narrowing sharply. "Shit."

Without a further explanation, Stan walked out of the back door, walking to the gym where he knew Kenny would be hanging around outside, smoking a joint, or making out with Butters. As Stan approached the building he smelled weed, rolling his eyes as he walked around the corner, finding Kenny listening to music with a joint balancing in his fingers. As soon as Stan kicked Kenny to get his attention, Kenny jumped, dropping the joint into the grass.

"Shit, Stan!" Kenny picked it up quickly, observing it to make sure that he didn't lose any weed. "Dude, you almost killed my joint."

Stan rolled his eyes, sitting next to Kenny in the grass, making sure he was completely covered by the wall. "The smell is so strong dude, you should get one of those pens."

Taking a long drag from the joint, Kenny chuckled, his eyes bloodshot from the state of mind he was in. "No man, you know I like authentic weed." Stan rolled his eyes even harder than before, nearly calling his best friend a stupid stoner. Kenny knew that Stan was there for a reason though, suddenly grabbing his arm tightly, causing Stan to jump. "What's up?"

"Well," Stan started, his thumbs pressing together tightly as he stared at the grass. "Token told me there's going to be alcohol at the party and I'm.."

Kenny waited for Stan to finish, but knew he was never going to, because he hated to reveal how he felt. "Stan, talk to Kyle. He's got your back way more than I do, you know that."

Stan nodded, letting out a deep breath he didn't realize he was holding. "I know, but I guess I just needed you to tell me that."

Without a goodbye, because they knew they'd see each other in a few hours, Stan walked towards the school again, his chest tightening in anticipation as he rehearsed what he was going to say to Kyle in his head multiple times, tweaking it every time it was repeated in his head. 

As Stan approached the school, he spotted Kyle talking to Token at his locker, laughing so hard, that he was holding his stomach. It had only been a few weeks since they started dating, but Stan was hit with a hard stab of jealously, his stomach forming knots as Kyle pushed Token playful, his cheeks red. Stan was only hopping that it was from laughing hard, but his mind was working hard to convince him otherwise. 

But even though Stan's mind was panicking, he approached Kyle and Token with a smile, slipping his hand in Kyle's as he smiled a little too much. As Kyle was talking about some random shit that happened with a class earlier, Token shook his head, sending him a tight smile as he looked towards Clyde. To Stan, this relaxed him, because he realized that Token was trying to tell him that he somehow still had the hots for Clyde.

After Token left, Kyle hugged into Stan's chest, sighing happily as he memorized the way Stan's arms felt around his body. It wasn't as tight as usual though, and Kyle noticed giving Stan a knowing look as he pulled away. "Baby, what's wrong?"

Stan fought off a smile at Kyle's pet name, focusing on the fact that something was wrong. "I don't know if I should go to Token's party."

Kyle knew that he was worried about the temptation of alcohol, but Kyle knew that Stan had more control over himself than he realized. Still, Kyle placed his hand carefully on Stan's cheek comfortingly, locking his eyes with Stan's sad one's. "I'll be with you the entire time. You've got this, baby."

Although Stan knew that Kyle meant his words, as he stood outside Token's house on Friday afternoon, he knew there was no way he could be left alone. He hadn't slept the night before, being kept up worrying about how exactly he was going to avoid alcohol, and how he was even going to enjoy himself at all.

Kyle wasn't oblivious to the fact that Stan didn't trust himself still, but acted as if he didn't notice anything. When it came to Stan, it was better to make him believe that no one was onto him - if Stan knew if someone was onto him, it just made things way worse. So, Kyle had a plan to keep Stan busy, and preoccupied.

Unsurprisingly to Stan, Kenny was the one who supplied the alcohol, bringing in multiple kegs, and bottles of vodka and whiskey. Even though Stan didn't notice himself, Kyle watched as he forced himself back as someone started to pour whiskey, the smell invading his sober mind. Kyle managed to get him away from the bar though, leading him outside to where Kenny was with Butters, smoking a cigarettes, and talking about what stars would be out this time of year - something Craig had taught Kenny recently.

Most of the night was fine, until Wendy came up to Stan at some point, forcing a drink into his hand, not aware of his addiction either. Kyle watched from where he was getting food, not feeling panicked at all as Stan stared at it with wide eyes for a moment, a pain obviously overtaking his face, but, without anyone's help, Stan set the drink on a table behind him, and chugged his water.

After taking a long breath, Stan noticed that Kyle was watching him, and smiled widely, motioning for him to meet him outside. Forgetting about food completely, Kyle followed his boyfriend outside, his body being hit with the cooler air, a wave of relief hitting him. Stan stared up at the stars as Kyle wrapped his arms around his waist, following his eyes to what was above.

"I can do this, angel." Stan said softly, his eyes still fixated on the stars. "I can be myself with you."

Kyle knew he was referring to the alcohol, but knew that he was also so much more. Before their friendship ended years ago, Stan was always guarded, never letting anyone knew how felt about anything; now that they were together, Stan had shown how truly amazing he was to Kyle. He knew that's what Stan was really talking about.

"I know." Kyle said simply, rubbing Stan's back soothingly. "I love you."

Stan kissed Kyle's forehead softly, wrapping his arms protectively around his soulmate. "I love you."

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now