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Stan woke up before his alarm clock the next morning, staring at his ceiling as he thought back to Kyle's words. In fact, it was all he thought about the entire night. His words were even in his dreams.

'Well, guys like you are my type.' What the hell does that even mean? Stan thought this to himself about a billion times between the moment Kyle had said it, until now. He didn't understand what he meant. Did Kyle mean that self-destructive guys were his type? Or did he mean that.. Stan was his type?

Shaking that thought off, Stan laughed a little at himself, concluding that Kyle was just kidding. They always joked around like that, when they were friends, why would it be different now?

Looking down at his phone, that was resting on his chest, Stan opened Snapchat, sending a quick message to Kyle. He felt like a fucking fourteen year old girl waiting for their crush to text back as he stared at his phone, watching the minutes tick by. After just ten minutes, Stan threw his phone on his bed as he got up, grumbling nonsense to himself.

Suddenly, Stan's phone dinged, and he dived for it, his pants half off at he laid on the bed. Feeling the temptation to throw his phone out the window as he saw that it was just from Kenny, Stan breathed deeply. Maybe he shouldn't have expected Kyle to just text him back like they were best friends again - it was obviously going to take some time to get back to where they were.

Stan opened Kenny's message, which just asked him to come get him a little early. Sighing, Stan quickly got dressed, forgetting his hat as he stomped down the stairs. He would never admit it, but he was a little grumpy that Kyle didn't text him back. He wanted to pick him up for school and talk some.. maybe even ask him about what he meant yesterday.

Even though he was annoyed, Stan smiled as he stepped out of the front door, the morning air pleasantly warm around his face. He got into his truck, rolling the windows down as his baby started up. His truck was a little bit shitty, (more than a little bit, but Stan would never say it out loud) but he loved it nonetheless. 

Recently, Stan had been making a bunch of playlists on his phone to start listening to new music, and had really fallen into liking indie. In fact, the playlist he was playing right now, was basically all indie music, and Kenny hated indie music. Kenny thought it was, 'crybaby music' as he put it one time.

Stopped in front of Kenny's house, Stan picked up his phone to see a notification from Kyle. He nearly threw his phone out of the window as he scrambled to open it, overly excited for just a Snapchat. 

Clicking on the red bubble, it was a picture of Kyle smiling with his dad in the car, a thumbs up next to his face, the chat reading: 'What's up dude!'. Although the message itself was important, Stan felt himself swoon over the picture of Kyle, his mouth hanging open as he observed his messy, curly red hair, his sleepy greens eyes, and his loopy grin. 

Brought back to reality by Kenny slamming the passenger door, Stan locked his phone quickly. Kenny smirked at his weird composure, remembering the video he got yesterday. "So, you and Kyle are good, yeah?"

Before Stan could even question it, he remembered that Tweek had been there yesterday. He might play the face of a twitchy, innocent boy, but on the inside, he was almost as devious as Kenny was. "Fucking Tweek."

Wiggling his eyebrows ridiculously, Kenny poked his arm. "Was it a date? Did you kiss him?"

Stan slapped Kenny's fingers away, scoffing. "No, it wasn't a date, and if I would've kissed him, you know I would've called you right away."

Kenny nodded, knowing that statement to be true. Refocusing his attention on why he wanted to be picked up early, Kenny pulled a nice suit out of his backpack, sealed tightly in plastic. "Let's get to school."

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now