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Kenny awoke on the floor alone, instantly confused by Stan's lack of snores. Kenny always woke up before Stan - mainly because he was always on a schedule, and just happened to like mornings.

Grabbing his phone from the desk as he pulled his pants on, Kenny saw that he had about thirty messages from Kyle, that ended at around 4 am. Muttering curses to himself as he looked through Kyle's explanations involving his mother finding out he was gay, Kenny grabbed his coat, calling Kyle.

As he reached the front door, he heard a vibration, and looked towards the living room, checking back at his phone to see if he had accidentally called Stan. Kenny walked to the living room anyways though to find Sharon standing there with a cup of coffee in her hands, looking down at something on the couch.

Looking down at the same thing now too, Kenny covered his mouth as he started to giggle, earning a glare from Sharon. "Oh my god! So cute!"

Sharon smiled down at them, Kyle's head on Stan's chest as they both softly snored, Stan's hand protectively clasped on Kyle's hip. "I always knew that Stan loved Kyle more than a friend."

Both of them walking to the kitchen after a moment of staring at the the two boys, they sat at the kitchen table together, sipping coffee quietly. Kenny, thinking of what she had said a moment before, decided to spill some secrets. "Kyle's gay," Sharon looked up, surprised at Kenny's sudden words. "They love each other, but Stan doesn't know Kyle's gay. Oh, and they refuse to tell one another about their feelings."

Although she was surprised that Kyle was gay, she was thankful her son wasn't chasing after a boy who was straight. Shaking her head, Sharon laughed lightly. "I'm not surprised at all. I really think it will happen eventually though."

They both looked back at the living room, hearing stirring from the couch.

As Sharon and Kenny's conversation ended, Kyle happened to wake up, almost waking Stan up as he was surprised they were so close. Stan, still asleep, hugged Kyle tighter against him, groaning in protest.

Kyle blushed as Stan did this, but knew he was only doing it because he was asleep. Before getting up, Kyle enjoyed being where he always longed to be, a little while longer, even wrapping his arms over Stan's waist tightly.

He knew the moment had to end though, and peeled himself away from Stan, hearing groans as he stood up. Stan took over the whole couch immediately though, mumbling incoherently as Kyle smiled down at him, admiring his sleeping face.

"Ky," Stan mumbled, squinting up at Kyle, his hair messy as he smiled sleepily at him. "Come back."

Fucking hell. Kyle blushed, but rubbed Stan's arm soothingly as he began to succumb to sleep quickly, still not completely conscious. Stan's skin was warm against Kyle's, almost, almost, bringing him back into Stan's arms. Stan's body relaxed completely, beginning to sink deeper towards sleep.

As soon as Stan was asleep again, Kyle stood up and walked to the kitchen, freezing in his steps as he saw Sharon and Kenny at the table, smirking at him. He sat down harshly, beyond embarrassed as he knew they had seen them cuddling, grabbing Kenny's coffee from his hands as they both continued to stare at him.

Of course, Kenny was the first to speak up, wiggling his eyebrows as he did so. "So, how's Stanley?"

Kyle rolled his eyes, but blushed intensely, avoiding Sharon's knowing eyes. "Shut up, Kenny."

Sharon laughed, touching Kyle's hand lightly, feeling as if he was worried that she was unaccepting. "I know that you'll treat Stan right, it's okay."

Burying his face in his arms from embarrassment, Kyle shook his head. "Oh my god, this is so embarrassing."

Before they could make Kyle feel even more awkward, Stan came shuffling into the kitchen, his eyes barely open. He plopped down next to Kyle without a word, leaning his head against his shoulder. Avoiding eye contact with the two smirking people at the table, Kyle sighed, almost with relief, as goosebumps appeared on his skin from the contact with Stan, again.

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now