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Wow, this is the last chapter. It's been a long time since I've finished a book, but I'm so happy with how this turned out. I would like to thank everyone of my readers for even taking a glimpse at this, it means so much to me. And thank you to everyone who has told me how much they enjoyed this! I'll definitely be writing more, and I never plan on stopping. Thank you all so much for your support, and enjoy the last chapter! :)

Kyle walked across the stage, grabbing his diploma, and taking a picture with PC Principal, but only looking towards the one person who was waiting for him. At the end of the walk way leading back to their seats, was Stan, waiting for his boyfriend to kiss him in front of everyone. it was something they planned a long time ago, to officially proclaim their love for the entire city to say.

Both of their stomachs churned as Kyle walked down the steps, walking as slowly as possible to Stan, who waited with open arms. As soon as they were close enough to touch, Stan picked Kyle up, spinning him around, then firmly placing his lips on Kyle's gasps coming from the crowd. Although a lot of people knew of their relationship, most people of the town chose to be oblivious, but they could no longer be oblivious to love.

Stan and Kyle walked back to their seats, hand in hand as more people were called, nearly everyone getting the diplomas they worked hard for. Fortunately, because of Kyle's tutoring, Kenny was able to graduate, a huge, shit grin plastered on his face as he was able to hold his diploma in his hands. With how his parents turned out, Kenny had been convinced that he would never get far, but this proved he was worth more than South Park. 

After they had all be given their diploma, and they had taken pictures with family, Stan, Kyle, Craig, Tweek, Kenny, and Butters went out to their favorite place in town - a little diner where they could relax, and eat burgers and drink milk shakes. Of course, since none of them liked a lot of attention, they had went home and put on normal clothes.

Over the last years, they had all had their own struggles. Butters finally came out to his parents, in which they tried to ground him immediately, but he stood his ground, and demanded that they see things through his perspective. After a lot of fighting, and regretful words on both sides for months, Butters' parents decided to just ignored him - that's when Butters decided to live on campus at Colorado State University, where he was attending in the fall. From his experience with abusive parents, Butters was hoping to be a social worker, but he still wasn't sure about his future.

Craig and Tweek were strong than other, both attending a college in Boulder for the fall. They both didn't know what the hell they were wanting to go - well Craig didn't anyways. Tweek was secretly thinking about becoming an astrophysicist, and finding a way off the toxic, and corrupt Earth they lived on. Craig was planning on proposing to Tweek as soon as they were settled, but only told Stan.

Stan and Kenny were basically following their boyfriends to Fort Collins, both planning on do something that took little education. Knowing Kenny and Stan, it was expected that they wouldn't want anymore school, but Stan felt like he was a disappointment, even though college isn't a requirement to have a good life.

Although Kyle was going to school in Fort Collins with Butters, he had no idea what the fuck he wanted to do. All he knew, is that whatever he did, he wanted to do it with Stan. Through his entire senior year, Kyle was a damn train wreck, having intense mood swings and panic attacks daily, which nearly tore apart his and Stan's relationship. Stan stood through all of Kyle's anxiety though, being a pillar of relaxation, and support, for Kyle, and Stan was what ultimately made Kyle succeed.

As they all sat together for possibly the last time that year, Stan chose to speak up for once, looking every single one of his best friend's in the eye as he started his speech. "These last two years, have been the worst, and best years of my life." Stan paused, rolling his eyes at Craig's expression. "Alright, I know that was cliche, but it's true. Kenny has been the most supportive, and amazing friend ever, sticking around when I was literally drowning in alcohol. Craig and Tweek - you practically threw Kyle and I together, and I'm so grateful that you're both so smart."

Craig and Tweek fist bumped, Tweek giggling almost madly. "W-We just know what gay-denial looks like."

Fighting the urge to roll his eyes again, Stan looked towards Butters, who was staring at the table silently. "Butters," He quickly looked up hopefully, Stan smiling softly at the person who helped him more than he realized. "You helped me to realize that my feelings, aren't something that should be hidden. Because of you, I've become a stronger person." Butters' eyes welled up with tears at Stan's words, finally feeling appreciated, and listened to by someone other than his boyfriend.

Stan grabbed Kyle's knees, earning a squeal. "And baby," Kyle's face turned a light shade of pink as Stan stared deeply into his eyes. "You've shown me love like no one else before. And I showed you some last night-"

"Stan!" Kyle smacked Stan's arms roughly, his face bright red as he realized Stan was referring to their sex life.

Leaning back against the booth, his arm falling behind Tweek normally, Craig sipped his milkshake loudly, Stan looking at him with a bored expression. "Are you done with your gay ass speech?" Glaring at his sarcastic friend, Stan nodded, leaning back, too. "Okay. Keep in contact, or I'll kick all of your asses."

For Craig, that was saying a lot, and as they all went their separate ways, none of them felt anything else but happiness, and acceptance. 

Stan had began in loneliness, and despair, and now he was beginning again with Kyle - in love and sunshine. The suffering had been worth it, for all of them to end where they should be. 


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