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Stan was sitting in the school parking, his feet hanging out of his truck window, waiting for Butters to get out of school. After a day of willing himself to be angry at Kyle, Stan had skipped his last class to relax, and try to think about good things. He promised Kenny he'd bring Butters with him to Kenny's, which Stan didn't have a problem with since he liked Butters, but he was kind of hoping to have a serious conversation with Kenny. 

After reviewing everything that had happened in his life lately, Stan felt like he needed to restart with nearly everyone in his life. He hadn't been himself in a long time, and he hurt a lot of people. He just wanted to make things right again.

Hearing the bell ring from outside, Stan stepped outside of his truck and waited for a certain person. He spotted the person and jogged up to them, much to her surprise. "Wendy," Stan said softly to his ex-girlfriend, who didn't look happy to see him due to how they split two years ago. "Can we talk for a minute? I won't keep you long."

Seemingly surprise by Stan's politeness, and calm attitude, Wendy nodded, following him to his truck. Once in with him, she looked at him carefully, noticing how well he looked. "What's up, Stan? It's been a long time since we've spoken."

Taking a deep breath, Stan turned to Wendy, grabbing her hand gently. "I want to apologize for everything I ever put you through. You're a wonderful, caring person - I never wanted to hurt you. I was selfish, and I'm so sorry it took me so long to notice." Pausing, Stan looked down, his heart quickening for the next part of his explanation. "Um, I think, and I've only discovered this recently, that one of the major reasons our relationship fell through was because I'm.. I'm bisexual."

There was an excruciatingly long silence as Wendy processed everything. She never expected Stan to apologize, let alone come out to her. "Stan.. I don't know what to say." Stan nodded, letting go of her hand, turning his gaze towards the radio. "I-I really appreciate you apologizing, you seem to be doing much better and I'm glad for that."

Stan smiled tightly at her, breathing deeply through his nose. "It took longer than it should've, but I'm getting help."

Wendy actually broke out into a huge smile this time. "I'm really happy for you!" She grabbed his hand, patting it softly, her short black locks falling into her face. "So, you're really bi? I mean, I always had suspicions, but I thought I was just jealous of Kyle."

Immediately, Stan's face turned red at the mention of Kyle's name. "Yeah, about that.. I think I've always liked Kyle.."

"Ha!" Wendy screamed as she pointed at Stan's face, laughing. "I fucking knew it!"

Stan's face twisted in confusion as he thought back to the rest of their conversation. "But you just said.."

Shrugging, Wendy smiled wickedly. "I was just trying to get you to say it out loud." Stan smacked his forehead as Wendy laughed at his red face more. "Honestly, I really thought you were going to ask for me back."

"Oh, no, no, no." Stan said quickly, waving his hands in the air. "I'm pretty sure I lean more towards guys."

"Yeah, well," Wendy looked out the window, her face going a little red too. "I only lean towards girls."

Stan's mouth flew open. "SINCE WHEN?"

"Shhh!" Wendy's hand flew over Stan's mouth while looking around at the other students. "Since a year we broke up. I kissed Red at a party as a dare, and I knew."

Giggling to himself for a moment, Stan pointed between them. "We really turned each other gay didn't we?"

Wendy laughed along with him, smacking his arm. "Stan, I missed you. We should hang out sometime!" Stan nodded along, agreeing with a giant smile on his face. "I gotta get going though, I'll see you at school tomorrow!" Wendy hugged him tightly before pulling away, whispering in his ear. "I think someone's jealous of us."

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now