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Jealousy. Jealousy. Jealousy.

Stan's mind had a parasite of jealousy as he watched Kyle and Bebe talk endlessly the first two hours, laughing and walking closely together. It was like they were dating all over again, and Stan was more than annoyed with it. Had Kyle's attention only been on him because he wasn't with Bebe?

Whatever. It was whatever. Stan felt stupid that he got his hopes up that yet again, Kyle could return his feelings. Maybe Kyle was really trying to fix their friendship, but it was more than just terrible timing for him to be seen hanging out with his cheating ex.

He stared unashamedly at Kyle and Bebe from his locker, maybe, or maybe not, fantasizing about hitting Bebe with his truck a few times - not too beaten up, of course. If anyone would have been watching Stan, there definitely would've been physical daggers flying towards Bebe from his eyes.

As Kyle and Bebe began to go to a different class, Kyle caught Stan's stank-eye, giving him a confused look. Before he could eye-communicate with Stan anymore, Bebe pulled him away, towards wherever she was wanting to go.

"Ya know," Stan jumped at the sound of Craig's voice, coming out of nowhere next to him. "Maybe instead of being angry at him, just try and get his attention."

Stan scoffed, leaning his back against the locker like the angsty teen he had become. "Yeah, like he wants my attention, dude."

Walking away from Stan, Craig raised up a middle finger, yelling: "Doesn't hurt to fucking try, Marsh."

Although Stan hated when Craig was right, he had to admit that he was a lot smarter than Stan had thought. He was especially smarter than Stan - even if love does make people blind. Pressing his pointer finger against his forehead, Stan sighed, adding more fingers to the area as he began rubbing.

He definitely was going to have to try Craig's way. It would give him less headaches, and maybe even make Kyle like him somehow. Stan felt stupid hopeful as he walked to his third class, strutting in like a cocky asshole.

If he was going to get Kyle to love him, he had to be cocky.

~Time skip to lunch~

Stan stood in the lunch line, impatiently tapping his foot as he waited for Kyle to walk in. Craig had set himself and Tweek up at the table, sharing food as they watched Stan desperately looking for Kyle.

Tweek found it cute, while Craig thought it was hilarious how anxious Stan was with his new "plan". It was pretty simple, to Craig, to just show someone what their missing, instead of showing them a bad side. But that was just Craig, and his logic.

Kenny and Kyle walked into together, Bebe nowhere in sight. They joined behind Stan, not noticing the way that he was staring at Kyle bluntly, practically drooling. As soon as they stopped talking, they both looked at him, both of their faces saying 'dude, what the fuck?'.

"Hey, Ky," Stan attempted to say smoothly, but his voice ended up cracking. Kenny and Kyle exchanged a look before Kyle awkwardly waved. "You look nice today."

Kyle felt himself blush as Stan looked him up and down visibly, and winked. "U-Uh, t-thanks?"

Noticing Kyle's embarrassed reaction, Stan took the opportunity to make it more embarrassing, and placed an arm around his shoulder. "You know, you should wear your hat off more often." Stan snatched Kyle's hat off of his head, his red curls falling onto his forehead. "I love your hair. It frames your emerald eyes beautifully."

At this point, Kyle was basically about to burst into flames. He felt embarrassed, and was unsure if Stan was being sarcastic or not. He grabbed his hat from Stan, tugging it back onto his head. "Shut it, Marsh."

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now