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I'm sorry the last chapter jumped around so much, it'll get better

As Kyle stared at his grade, his vision blurring with tears, people around him began to ask if he was okay. He stood up abruptly as the teacher was in the middle of talking, and ran out of the room without a word, ignoring the teacher's questions.

Everyone started murmuring about Kyle while Stan glared after him, his eyebrows scrunched together - not in concern, but in anger. Kyle runs out of class once and everyone is concerned about him? Fucking assholes. Stan thought to himself while scowling and turning back to his sketch books, trying to ignore the annoyance pinging in his temple.

"Stan," He snapped his head up to the teacher who suddenly called his name, noticing now how everyone was staring at him, too. "Please go check on Kyle."

Stan put his pencil down, glancing over at Bebe and Clyde, putting his hands up in confusion. "Why me? I don't like Kyle. Can you send someone who cares?"

The teacher rubbed her temples, and groaned as she glared at Stan. She really did not give a shit about their personal drama. "I asked you, so go. Now."

Stan pushed himself back from the desk and walked out of the room casually, his hands, clenched into fists, shoved in his blue and red jacket pockets. He wasn't even sure where Kyle would go, he really didn't know him anymore. Stan decided the best place to check was the bathroom, and was surprised when he immediately heard someone crying. He peered under the stalls and saw Kyle with his knees to his chest against the wall, crying and breathing heavily.

He sighed, squeezing the bridge of his nose in frustration. He refused to have sympathy for someone who abandoned him, said awful things to him, and clearly never gave a real shit about him. No, he would not feel bad for this selfish asshole.

Stan banged on the door harshly, causing Kyle to jump to his feet. "Kyle, you have to go back to class."

Kyle opened the door before Stan could turn and walk away. Kyle's eyes were red and puffy, his shoulders in a defeated slump. "Why'd she send you?"

Stan closed his eyes for a minute, trying not to hit Kyle for being such a little prick. Did he really not realized how much of a douchebag he had become? Stan was getting pissed, harshness in his voice as he spoke: "I don't fucking know, why don't you ask her yourself?"

Kyle visibly flinched at his tone, though Stan didn't care, simply just turning around and heading back towards class. For some reason, Kyle decided to run to catch up with him. Much to Stan's annoyance, Kyle started to ramble to him: "I-I fucked up in one of my classes, which is going to mess my grades up, and that's also going to mess up my whole GPA. Oh god.. then I won't be able to get into a good college. Shit! My mom is going to be so disappointed-"

Stopping in his tracks right before their classroom, Stan turned to Kyle with a bored expression. "I don't give a fuck. Don't talk to me about your problems like we're friends. You are the one that decided I wasn't good enough to be your friend. So, fuck off, grow up, and stop be a fucking cry baby."

Without another word from a stunned Kyle, Stan walked into the classroom. Kyle slowly followed him in, his hands in his pockets, staring only at the ground in shock from what his former friend had said to him. The teacher immediately approached Kyle, her arms crossed tightly over her chest in annoyance. "Why did you think it was okay to leave the class without permission?"

Kyle looked up slightly, staring off into nothing behind her head, responding in a monotone voice: "I'm sorry, I got very upsetting news."

The teacher looked over Kyle's face and simply asked him to return to his seat to work, letting it go because she could see how disturbed he was. Kyle plopped down into his seat, his friends asking him questions. All Kyle could do though, was stare towards Stan, who was focused in on his sketchbook, a scowl on his face still.

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now