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Sharon stood in front of Stan in her bathroom, trying to fix his unruly hair, but with no luck. As soon as Stan had informed Sharon that he finally asked Kyle out, she had been adamant on making him look good. There was no way in hell she was going to let him go out looking like an emo wannabe.

Although Stan was thankful that Sharon was so willing, and supportive, to help, he still folded his arms over his chest with his bottom lip jutted out, annoyed with the constant tugging of his hair. He hoped what she was doing was worth it, but at that point, Stan just wanted to go as he was.

"Mom," Stan whined as he faced away from the mirror, slumped in a chair they had dragged up the stairs from the kitchen. He couldn't stop glancing at his watch, not wanting to be even a second late to pick Kyle up.

When he asked Kyle out, he refused to give up hints about where they were going. In reality, Stan had no idea, and had spent the whole day trying to come up with something that was good enough for the love of his life. It was true that they were starting slow, and kinda as just friends, but Stan felt like he had to impress Kyle to great lengths.

Still working on fixing Stan's permanently messy hair, Sharon ignored her son's pouty face, trying to make conversation to calm his obvious anxiety. "So, I heard Kenny asked Butters to prom."

He seemed to brighten up at the mention of a good event. "Yeah, it was actually really sweet."

Beginning to give up a little on his hair, Sharon shook her fingers through his messy, black locks. "Are you going to ask Kyle?"

Honestly, Stan hadn't even thought about if Kyle wanted to go. It was their Junior Prom, so if they didn't go this year, there was always next year. Still, Stan felt inconsiderate for not even asking his opinion. "I don't know."

Realizing that Stan's mood seemed to shift a little, Sharon stepped back from him, deciding his hair was good enough. It was still messy, but it was more of a stylish messy now. Sharon turned him to the mirror, leaving to see what outfit he had picked up. Being Stan, she knew he would've picked something too casual for such a special event.

Stan examined himself in the mirror, smiling slightly as he took note of how much better he looked when his hair was brushed. Stan never thought he was ugly, but he had always felt that he wasn't attractive enough for Kyle. Now, staring at himself after all of the personal progress he had gone through, along with his mother's grooming, he felt like he could be enough for Kyle.

Satisfied with his hair, Stan left the bathroom and walked into his bedroom, sighing heavily as soon as he saw his mother going through his closet. He really thought the black jeans, hoodie and red converse were nice enough, but his mother obviously disagreed. 

His clothes were sprawled all over his bed, not one seeming to be good enough for either of them as they both looked for something nice. Deep in Stan's closet, they finally found a dark blue button up, and paired it with his black jeans. Although Sharon insisted on tucking the shirt in, Stan left it un-tucked,  completely sure that it was small enough to not look too lazy.

Finally, both of them satisfied with his outfit, Stan grabbed his wallet, keys, and phone and went out to his truck. He very much appreciated his mother's help, but Stan felt as if he could breathe now that he was on his own, and that much closer to Kyle. 

Parking in front of Kyle's house though, made it that much more real for Stan. This was a terrifying leap for both of them, and as Stan decided whether or not he should go to the door, Kyle stared down from his window at Stan's truck, feeling the same anxieties he did. Despite his terrified feelings, Stan got out of his truck, and felt his legs shakes as walked up the short path to Kyle's house.

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now