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Waking up to the sound of soft snoring, Stan sat up, drenched in sweat. He knew he had a nightmare, but he couldn't remember what it was about.

Getting up shakily, Stan stepped over Kenny huddled on the floor, and began riffling through his dresser. As he looked for new clothes to put on, Stan couldn't stop his hands from shaking. He was almost mad at himself for being shaken up by a nightmare he couldn't remember - but at the same time, he was grateful that he couldn't remember it.

Stan glanced at Kenny and frowned when he saw his blankets across the floor, Kenny shivering in his sleep. Stan grabbed the blankets, setting them gently over Kenny as carefully as possible to not wake him up. Kenny smile in his sleep, cuddling into the blankets placed on him.

Now that his best friend was comfortable, Stan went downstairs to the kitchen, being extra quiet since Sharon was also home. In the kitchen now, the microwave reading 4:50 am, Stan grabbed a glass of water, shivering in the moon light gleaming through the window.

He felt an eerie feeling as he stood in the kitchen, as if someone was watching him. Stan looked behind him, seeing nothing, but went to the living room anyways to get away from the dreadful feeling. It was something that happened often when he was exhausted, so he found it normal.

Turning on the TV, Stan mindlessly put on some Friends, pulling out his phone to pass the time. It's that he didn't care for Friends, he had just watched the entire show over and over again, and was kind of sick of it.

Opening Snapchat to see if he missed any notifications, he saw that he had one from Kyle. Stan furrowed his eyebrows as he saw he had received it only an hour ago, his thumb hovering over the red square as he decided whether or not to even open it. He was slowly forgiving Kyle, but he wasn't sure how far that forgiveness had stretched.

Of course, Kyle had helped push Stan in the right direction of dealing with his grief, and Stan knew that he owed it to Kyle now, to treat him fairly. So, he opened the picture, and he nearly shit himself when he saw that Kyle had been sitting outside his house, asking to talk to him, or Kenny. Stan knew that he wasn't a stalker, but it was just a tad weird that Kyle was possibly sitting on his front porch right now.

Quietly walking to the front door, Stan opened it silently, his eyes immediately falling on Kyle, huddled up against the side of the house.

"Kyle?!" Stan whisper yelled, surprised that Kyle was still sat there after an hour.

Jumping to his feet, Kyle turned to Stan, his eyes rimmed with red. "O-Oh hey, Stan."

Stan grabbed Kyle's wrist dragging him inside, shutting the door from the cold. He didn't say anything to Kyle as he pointed at his shoes, signalling for Kyle to take them off. Although Kyle was confused from Stan's lack of words, he complied, setting them neatly next to the door.

Leading him to the kitchen now, Stan started to make coffee as Kyle sat at the breakfast bar, hugging himself as he tried to get warm. At first, Kyle had gone to Kenny's house after he was awoken by his parent's fighting, but found that Kenny was staying at Stan's. He had considered just going home with that knowledge, but decided against it, not wanting to be home after what his mother had said to his father.

Kyle felt guilty that he caused Stan to wake up, and even felt worse about sitting outside of his house for over an hour, expecting something he didn't deserve. Laying his head on Stan's counter, Kyle fought back tears as the memories of that night flowed through his mind again, his body shaking with fright.

Noticing Kyle's odd behavior, Stan carefully set coffee down in front of him, trying his best not to startle the distressed boy. Kyle noticed the warmth and quickly collected himself, wiping his eyes secretly.

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now