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There was an uncomfortable silence for what seemed like forever. Kyle sat slouched in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest as he stared at his mother, waiting to see if she would say more, or just sit there staring at him, too.

Everyone was absolutely fuming where they were sitting, looking back and forth from each other, to Kyle and his mom. The situation was way more tense than Stan had anticipated. He felt like he had to step in do something, anything, but he felt like he was being held back by something subconsciously. 

Just as all of the boys were about to say something, Kyle cleared his throat, Sheila raising an eyebrow at him amusingly. "Why are you really here?"

Sheila looked around Kyle, and directly at Stan, smirking. "Your fag boy said that we should make up."

Kyle made a mental note to totally kick Stan's ass after this, but only sighed at his mother, trying not to show any emotion to give her satisfaction. "Don't call him that. And I don't want to make up with someone like you."

The last words of Kyle's sentence spat out like venom, Stan visibly flinching at the intensity of his emotions. He had fucked up bad this time, and Stan didn't know if they would ever come back from this - he had basically ruined Kyle's birthday.

Unfazed by Kyle's assaulting words, Sheila pulled out a pamphlet from her purse. Pointing at the title, which read: "A Camp For Those Who Have Lost Their Way!", she grinned even wider, causing every boy in the room to groan. "I'm going to get you help, sweetie. You can get away from your fag friends, and-"

"Are you fucking serious?!" Kyle stood up abruptly, the chair he was sitting in, falling to the floor loudly. "How can you still think this is a choice? You didn't choose to be straight, but you are! I didn't choose to be gay, but I am!" Kyle picked up the pamphlet, tearing into shreds, and throwing it back in his mother's face. "Fuck you!"

As Sheila began shouting incoherently, Kyle grabbed his jacket, and marched out the front door, fumbling with anger. After everything he had told her before, she still insisted that he be "fixed"! Kyle was fucking sick of it, and he had only encountered her homophobia twice now. He sure as hell was not going to stick around, and get more dirt kicked in his face for being himself.

Stan watched with absolute horror, and guilt, as Kyle left, leaving everyone in the room either angry, or surprised. In fact, the only one who was angry, was Sheila - but that was just because her son was gay, and proud of it. None of the other boys moved, except Stan, would picked up Kyle's chair, sitting in it across from Sheila, leaning towards her with all of the intimidation he could muster.

"If you can't accept your son for who he is, maybe you're the one who needs to go to that fucking camp." Stan didn't bother to see her reaction, as he stood up abruptly, nodding to his friends. He wasn't going to let Kyle be alone, even if he was pissed at him.

Calmly walking out of the house, Stan looked around, for any signs of Kyle. It could be difficult to find him, but Stan had a feeling that Kyle went to their hang out spot. Stark's pond had played a huge role in both of their lives, and Stan knew that Kyle still went there sometimes to get away from his parents, or even his own thoughts. It was just another thing that Stan knew about Kyle.

Approaching the park leading Stark's pond, Stan felt his heart start to thump harder as he saw Kyle's red hair at the bench in front of the pond. Even if Kyle was going to end things with him, Stan felt grateful that he returned his feelings for awhile, even if it didn't go the way he wanted it to. 

Before Stan was even at the bench, Kyle turned around, causing Stan to stop in his tracks. "Why are you here?"

"Uh," Stan rubbed the back of his neck, his face turning red with shame. "I-I came to apologize for being a dumbass."

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now