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Everyone watched as Stan paced around the room, waiting for Kyle to arrive home from tutoring with Tweek. Stan was anxious to see Kyle's reaction, and prayed to God that nothing would go wrong - even though to everyone else, everything was more than perfect.

It was a little annoying to everyone else watching Stan obsess over a birthday party like this. It was just Kyle's seventeenth birthday, he would have more, but Stan thought of this birthday party as an opportunity to prove to Kyle he was worthy of being his boyfriend. But, of course, no one else was aware of Stan's real motivation. 

Kenny was beyond watching Stan have a panic attack, but at the same time, was afraid to go near him, and cause him to explode. Looking at Craig as plea for help, Kenny motioned to Stan, shaking his head. Craig seemed to understand, and sigh, walking towards the mumbling mess of the boy in front of them.

"Stan," Craig approached, his voice perfectly monotone. "You gotta chill out man. Kyle will love this no matter what-"

"Okay," Stan said sharply, stopping in his tracks in front of Craig, his face turned away from him. "But what if he hates it? What if he expected more from me? I mean, he could totally end up just turning around and walking away. And what about his mom? Fucking hell, I should've just told him because I think it's a mistake now-"


Feeling a sting follow the loud sound, Stan held his burning cheek, looking up at Craig in disbelief. Craig only shrugged, placing the assaulting hand in his pocket again. "You wouldn't calm the fuck down." Kenny could be heard trying to muffle his laughs in the background, following Butters shushing him and trying not to laugh himself. "Anyways, why did you say something about Kyle's mom?"

Kenny looked around Craig's shoulder, and held up an eyebrow as Stan looked away from them, guiltiness obviously on his face. "Uh.. I-I talked to Kyle's dad, and talked him into making Sheila come see Kyle after you guys left? It was with good intentions, I don't want Kyle to suffer-"

"Stanley!" Kenny yelled, pushing Craig off to the side, more than anger written on his usually happy face. "If you want to be his boyfriend, stop meddling in his life! This is the last fucking thing you should've done, oh my god.."

Everyone's words were hitting him at a higher speed than he could comprehend, causing Stan to stumble back against the wall. For the first time since his dad had died, Stan was feeling the intense urge to drink, his body shaking with anxiety and fear as he fought against himself, not wanting to give into his demons. But, it was so easy for him to leave, and steal a bottle from the store - much easier than dealing with his stress.

Seeming to be the only one who noticed Stan's breakdown, Butters walked passed an arguing Kenny and Craig, and sat himself next to Stan lightly, his heart breaking as he watched his friend rocking back and forth on the floor. Butters connected with Stan like no one else, they were both emotional unstable, and more sensitive than most people even realized. Butters knew exactly how Stan felt all the time, which was something Kyle, nor Kenny, could give him.

He sat next to Stan in silence for a few moments, listening to his raged breathing as his head remained in his arms. Butters pulled his knees up to his chest, leaning his chin on his left knee, now close to Stan's ear to talk to him soothingly. "Hi, Stan. It's just me. Wanna talk about it?"

Although there was fighting going on around him, Stan smiled at the sound of Butters' sweet voice. Butters had always been the kindest person he knew, even when he was Professor Chaos, Stan always knew it was just a part of him he literally could not hide from anyone because he knew it was wrong.

Wiping his eyes slowly, Stan looked towards Butters only, laying his wet cheek on the top of his hand. "I-I always try to help.. but I just end up making things worse. And as soon as I start to feeling any sort of negative emotions, I want to grab a bottle. I'm pathetic."

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now