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It was Monday morning, Stan smiling as he woke up for once. He had made the whole weekend without drinking. For the first time in years, Stan felt positive, and hopeful for his future. He really felt like he could have a full life.

Still with his positive attitude, Stan grabbed his phone, downloading Snapchat. Signing in, Stan waited anxiously for it to load. For some reason, with his good mood, he felt it was necessary to add Kyle back, even though Kenny would advice against it. Stan couldn't help but feel butterflies as he accepted Kyle's add.

Desperate to mend things with Kenny on top of everything, he pulled up his messages and typed out a quick message.

Stan the Bitch: hey I know I fucked things up friday, but can I pick you up? I have something really important to tell you.

Stan through his phone on the bed as he got up, digging through his dresser for something to wear. He was aware that he had been dressing like a trash can, and wanted to look a little nicer. Slipping on black jeans, Stan grabbed a dark blue shirt to match his hat, and put on his red converse. As he finished getting dressed, his phone dinged, making Stan lunge for it immediately.

Slutty Kenny: yeah that's fine

Stan the Bitch: be there in 10

Grabbing his backpack as he headed out the door, Stan suddenly stopped in his tracks as he remember to do something important. He went back into his room and closed his door softly, unzipping his secret pocket and pulling out his flask. Stan looked at it for a moment, before quickly setting it in his closet, not trusting himself to have it in his backpack.

Actually leaving this time, Stan ran out of his dark house to his truck, not wanting to be late to picking Kenny up. As he was backing up, he got a Snapchat notification from the last person he expected:

Kyle Broflovski

Ignoring it for now, Stan threw his phone on his backpack and continued to Kenny's. It was weird, but he didn't care at that moment purely because all he wanted to was make up with Kenny.

Parking in front of Kenny's, Stan waited patiently for him to come out, pretty excited to see him after so long. Kenny casually strolled up to the truck, sliding in without looking at Stan. He could really see now that he had deeply hurt Kenny.

"I still don't remember what I did or said to you, but I'm sorry." Stan sighed, taking his sobriety chip out of his pocket. "This isn't the routine, 'I'm sorry for being a shitty friend', I'm apologizing for everything I've put you through." Kenny looked over at him, surprise written all over his face. "After you sent me that text, I knew that I had to change. So," Stan handed the chip to Kenny firmly. "I'm making a vow to be sober, and stay sober."

Kenny looked at him in shock, his mouth opened slightly as tears began to form in his eyes. He wiped his eyes, a smile appearing on his face. "For real, Stan?"

Stan nodded, to which Kenny responded by hugging him tightly, only for a moment. Stan laughed as Kenny pulled away, putting the truck into drive. "I honestly didn't think you'd react like that, dude."

"You expect me to be mad after the best 'I'm sorry' gift, ever?" Stan shrugged a goofy grin on his face, causing Kenny to punch his arm. "Missed you, dick."

"Missed you too, slut." Stan stuck his tongue out at him, and focus his eyes on the road with a smile. Suddenly, he remembered what happened as he was leaving the house. "Shit! I forgot to tell you - don't be mad at me -  I added Kyle back on Snapchat, and he Snapchatted me on my way over here."

Kenny wanted so badly to yell at him for giving into Kyle being a shithead, but rolled his eyes, picking up Stan's phone. "Can I open it?" Before Stan could even respond, Kenny was unlocking his phone and loading Snapchat.

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now