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Stan stepped out of his house to head to school for the first time in three weeks. He couldn't believe how fast the therapy seemed to pass, especially since it was so deep, and difficult. Overall though, after digging deep into his past and his own mind, Stan felt like he was on a much better path.

The addiction counselor suggested that when Stan felt like drinking, that he draw for his comic book instead, to distraction himself. So far, that trick had been helpful for Stan. Although, now, it was required by law enforcement that he go to AA, since it was somehow discovered that he had been drinking in school.

Besides his addiction counseling, Stan had actually enjoyed learning that there were other people who thought the same as him. He felt less alone knowing that other people were also struggling with suicidal, and depressing thoughts. They understood him like no one ever would.

He knew how "emo" that sounded though, as much as it wasn't. It was the reality of having Depression. And Stan was okay with the fact that he had to struggle through this. It just meant that things would eventually get better, and he wouldn't feel like this forever.

The medication was also helping more than Stan expected, his feelings and thoughts were more clear. Now that he could think straight without an insecure voice in his head screaming at him, Stan reflected on his relationships.

Kyle was definitely was a person he still didn't know what to think about. He had hurt Stan so many times, along with others that cared about him, but he was obviously suffering through his own personal demons, just as Stan. Was right to turn his back on Kyle, just as he did to Stan all those years ago?

Then there was Kenny, Stan's root of his anger at the moment. He promised to have Stan's back - especially against Kyle. Then, out of seemingly no where, Kenny was friends with Kyle again. Was there a real answer, or did Stan push Kenny towards him?

These were the things consistently on Stan's mind, haunting him. He really felt that everything was his fault, not because he was feeling like he was stupid or worthless, but because Stan realized that not everything was so black and white. There was more to what he was seeing. 

Despite Stan gaining some knowledge, he definitely didn't feel like letting Kyle back into his life quite yet, but Kenny needed to know that Stan was fine with his decision. For now, it was better if he got his life back on track by himself, not dragging a friend along in the dirt, and hurting them in the process.

Before he could complete his decisions, Stan was pulling up to the school, parking in the back as to not be seen. He felt like no one even noticed his absence, but he was kind of grateful for that. Stan sighed as he looked towards his backpack, knowing he had a mountain of schoolwork to give to his teachers before school even really started.

Finally getting out of his truck, Stan slammed the door, timidly walking into school. Luckily for him though, he had arrived earlier at school that he had planned, so there weren't many people around. 

Stan walked directly to his first hour, practically praying to himself that no one he knew super personally would spot him. Of course, while he was gone, Stan had received mass texts from people, mainly Wendy. But he ignored every message, not wanting to get involved with drama anymore than he already was unwillingly.

The teacher happily accepted his homework, giving him a warm welcome back. As quick as possible, Stan made his rounds to his next two classes, having success with each of them. As Stan got to his fourth hour though, he could see through the class that Kyle was in there, chatting with the teacher about something.

Stan felt his stomach churn at the sight of Kyle, his cheeks growing when he thought of caressing his cheek, and running a hand through his red curls. Shaking his head with wide eyes, Stan skipped that class, instead ending to his fifth hour.

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now