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Kenny's day was turning out even shittier than he had planned. He was sitting on the floor of Cartman's bedroom, coming up with a stupid plan to get revenge on Clyde. Kenny had a shitty day at school because of Stan, and now he had to listen to the fat asshole come up with a plan that was probably only going to benefit him in the end anyways.

"Hello?" Cartman waved a chubby hand in front of Kenny's face, snapping him to attention. "Have you even been listening to what I've been saying?! Makes sense I guess, your poor ass can't afford ADHD meds-"

Slapping Cartman's hand away from his face, Kenny groaned. "Shut the fuck up, you tub of lard. Restart. From the beginning."

Cartman sighed, and reorganized his badly drawn plans. "Okay, so, we post the video of Clyde beating up Butters - followed by a video of him sucking Token's dick. We gotta expose him for making fun of fags, and then being a fag." Kenny punched him in the arm, trying to get the moron to remember that Butters was his boyfriend. "Jesus, KENNY, fine! We'll post that video to expose him for being afraid of his own sexual identity, or whatever the fuck you said."

Firmly nodding with his arms crossed, Kenny smiled a little. "I normally wouldn't condone outing someone's sexual identity, but he deserves it for almost killing Butters." After a moment of thinking, Kenny jumps at himself, glaring towards Cartman. "Wait a minute, why do you want revenge on Clyde?"

As if he was giving into something, Cartman sighed heavily, annoyance spread onto his chubby face. "I don't give a shit about Butters," Automatically Kenny tenses, becoming angry. Cartman holds a hand up quickly though, not giving Kenny a chance to get completely angry. "but it isn't about him for me. Heidi happens to be very against homophobia. I would like her back. This will help."

Not totally surprised at Cartman's true intentions, Kenny nods. As he thought about how Stan would react, he honestly found himself not caring about Stan in this situation. All Stan cared about, at the moment, was shutting everyone out and protecting himself. Although Kenny could understand to an extent, it was still pretty fucking annoying.

This whole plan had no benefit for Kyle either though, so Kenny felt better with that fact in mind. Sure, Kyle would get to see Clyde humiliated, but Clyde took his girlfriend, his social status, AND all of his friends - so really, was it an even score for Kyle?

Kenny decided that in this matter, Kyle and Stan didn't matter. This was about doing right by Butters (without beating the shit out of Clyde), and Kenny was determined to make Clyde feel as shitty as everyone he hurt did.


After spending a day in the principal's office, only to be dragged out by his overreacting mother, Kyle was exhausted. Of course, to get his course work done, he had barely slept that week, pushing himself farther than a seventeen year old was supposed to go.

Sheila lectured him for over an hour when he had gotten home with her, about how he needed to focus on the only important thing in his life - college. Kyle hadn't said anything the whole lecture, going upstairs as soon as she was done.

When he heard Stan say those truthful things about him in the gym to Craig (who he asked to talk to Stan for him), Kyle had completely given up all hope in getting any of his actual friends back. Kyle convinced himself that everyone felt the same as Stan did about him. Even Craig and Tweek who had listened to everything he told them.

Kyle's anxiety was manifesting like never before, showing even when he felt like he had things under control. Honestly, he felt like he was just as paranoid and on edge as Tweek was; that's how anxious he had become.

As Kyle laid on his bed, thinking of all of the things he needed to do, Stan wandered into his mind again. As he felt the guilt from the past two years up until the present moment, tears began to streak mercilessly down his face, Kyle's chest shuddering as he thought about how many times Stan had drank because of him.

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now