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Throughout the night, Stan had gotten up multiple times to throw up. Kenny always ended up by his side with bread and water, rubbing his back soothingly. Stan barely said a word, being too exhausted, and still slightly drunk. By the time 7 AM rolled around, Kenny's presence was finally noticed by a confused Stan. 

"Ken?" Stan squinted at him from where he was in bed, rubbing his eyes to try to clear some of the sleepiness. "When did you get here?"

Kenny sighed and stretched, looking towards the desk clock. Since they didn't have a lot of time to talk before Kenny had to go to school, he didn't want to make Stan feel any worse than he already did. "I got here last night, and you were shitfaced so I took care of you all night."

Groaning loudly, Stan fell back on his bed as he felt embarrassed for himself, once again. It was even worse that his friend had to come over to his drunk bullshit after having a good night. Stan was starting to feel like Kenny wouldn't be happy with him around. 

Sighing as his thoughts spun out of control, Stan held back his emotions: "Shit Kenny.. I'm so sorry. I didn't know you'd come over after your date."

Being sleep deprived, Kenny just nodded, not wanting to deal with him at the moment. It was better to talk about it later anyways, when they both had a clear head. "Yeah.. look, I covered for you with your mom. Can I take the truck to school?"

Sitting up a for a moment to snatch the keys from his nightstand, Stan threw them at Kenny, giving him a small, fake smile. "Fine with me, man. Talk after school?"

Kenny rubbed his eyes in annoyance, trying not to lash out at Stan, still. He knew alcoholism was a disease, but he felt partly responsible for Stan continuing with it. He did almost nothing to stop him. Not wanting to think about that haunting fact, Kenny handed Stan the rest of his water, already turning towards the door. "Drink more water. I'll see you later."

Without Stan getting another word in, Kenny walked down the stairs and out the front door, getting into truck. Kenny had his license, but he didn't have much experience driving, especially with trucks. Although he was nervous and tired, Kenny started the truck anyways and backed up with ease. It felt really weird being without Stan. He hated to admit it, but he did kind of need a break from him - he was just making Kenny feel sad.

Kenny shook his head at himself as he headed towards school, refusing to think like Kyle had when he left Stan. He was not going to leave Stan, no matter what. Stan may have a lot of issues, but Kenny was not about to be selfish and abandon him. No, he just needed a day to figure out how to help him.

As he pulled up to the school, Kenny parked in their usual parking spot, lighting a cigarette before class started. He and Stan were mostly always late on usual days, but it felt kind of nice for Kenny to just relax with a cigarette - the silence itself was enough to soothe his soul.

While attempting to feel some peace, Kenny noticed in the driver's side mirror that Kyle was walking into school alone. Just as Kyle was about to pass the truck, Kenny swung open the door, causing Kyle to gasp loudly, almost dropping his books out of his hands.

Kenny glared at Kyle for a moment before walking into school, without saying a word. Kyle followed slowly behind, not wanting to get to close to Kenny - he was kind of a pussy when it came to Kenny, mainly because Kyle knew what he was capable of when he got mad. After a moment of silently following Kenny, he realized that Stan wasn't in school, which was strange for Stan.

He didn't really know why it bothered him as much as it did, but Kyle just hated the thought that Stan was missing class. With a scowl on his face, Kyle walked into his first hour wondering about Stan once again, unable to shake him from his thoughts.

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now