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After the funeral, Stan had only spent two days off of school. Of course, because of Stan's conflicting feelings with his father's death, he pretty much pretended that everything was okay. He even smiled as people said hello to him out of sympathy, oblivious to their pity.

His friends saw problems with this, for obvious reasons, but didn't want to set him off, or push him over the edge even more than he already was. See, on the outside, Stan was still just a recovering alcoholic - but on the inside, he felt absolutely nothing. He was empty towards everything, and everyone; his feelings buried deep inside of him. 

Kyle could practically see Stan's struggle tearing him up inside, like he had x-ray googles looking into his soul. But, Kyle was too afraid to approach Stan after that day. Stan had clung to him for the rest of the day of the funeral, yet never said a word to him. How was Kyle supposed to react?

Stan, on the other hand, didn't even realize that he had clung to Kyle. In fact, the entire funeral itself for him, seemed like a blur. He knew something was wrong with him of course, but he didn't want to deal with it quite yet.

Kenny was trying to push Stan to talk, which may have been a bad move to others, but Stan needed to be pushed to express himself. Kenny knew better than anyone that Stan needed to talk about his conflicting feelings with Randy, whether he wanted to or not. Holding that shit inside, would eventually cause an eruption Stan couldn't afford.

As Kyle and Kenny stood in the cafeteria, staring at Stan's still back, they contemplated whether Kyle being present was smart. Sure, they had bigger things to worry about, but they didn't want to cause Stan any more emotional stress.

Motioning to the table, Kenny walked forwards, knowing that it was worth a try. Stan looked up at Kenny, smiling softly at him, almost flinching when he noticed Kyle walk up quickly. Not saying anything for a moment, Stan stared at Kyle, the smallest tingle pulling at his stomach. Instead of saying anything, Stan simply nodded at Kenny, accepting Kenny's request.

Kenny sat next to Stan, while Kyle sat next to him, the whole table remaining quiet. Kenny wanted to say something to relieve the horrible tension, but something stupid, and creepy came out instead: "So, I saw Butters' dick last night."

Kyle face-palmed immediately as Stan erupting into genuine laughter, high-fiving Kenny. "Nice, dude! How was it?"

Fighting back the urge to hit both of them, Kyle sighed. Luckily, Butters was at a doctor's appointment today and didn't have to be embarrassed by Kenny's loud mouth. "You dumbasses should respect Butters' privacy."

Only blinking at Kyle, Stan snickered. "Then maybe Kenny shouldn't be bragging about it."

Completely blind sided by the fact that Stan had actually spoken to him, Kyle's face turned bright red, his palms beginning to feel sweaty. He got up quickly, walking towards the lunch line to grab a bottled-water. 

In the line, he spotted Craig, and walked quickly towards him, his face still red as a clown's nose. Craig nearly lost his shit when he saw Kyle, but sucked in his lips instead. "W-What's up, Kyle?"

Rolling his eyes at Craig trying to hold in his laughs, Kyle looked back towards his table, turning even more red when he caught Stan's eyes. "I-I don't know, Craig. Honestly.."

Craig finally noticed how serious Kyle was, winking at Stan, before focusing on Kyle again. "I can tell. How's Stan holding up?"

The blush still refusing to fall off his face, Kyle shrugged. "Um, not really dealing with it. We - along with Stan - all know that Stan's dad was not a good guy, but he didn't deserve to die. I think Stan is really struggling with that."

Failure (Stan x Kyle) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now